Mission 1: Get Out From The Penthouse

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A few minutes later another loud bang came from the outside of the room which snapped Stella out from her crying mess. In her mind at that time, she's going to do anything it takes to bring baby Marius out from that place safely even if it cost her life to do it.

With no seconds to waste she quickly stood up from Alia and her mother's body, walk over to the small table, quickly stuffed her wallet at the bottom of the baby bag then strap the baby carrier before placing Marius in it and proceed to strap a small backpack at her back that contains stuff for baby Marius and her important wallet.

After prepared everything, Stella takes out a pacifier and gives baby Marius to suck on it so that he will remain quiet while she gets them out of danger.

She quickly and slowly walks over to the kidnapper's dead body quickly searching for their handguns and unloading their magazine before she takes out an active bullet and replaces it inside her own handgun.

Equip with a half-full handgun she slowly opens the door and slips by the side of the room, steadily and slowly rushing toward an abandoned car as the gun firing from the other side of the building.

She then gently places baby Marius on the passenger seat and the backpack on the ground before she ignites the car engine and zooms out from the warehouse which was aimed at a few guns that were firing at it.

Stella steps on the accelerator fully while a spark came out from the tires as it was burst from the shooting, after a few meters away from the place she parked the car by the side of the road and decided to walk on foot as she smells petrol fume coming out from the car.

"Baby Marius, you are mine now baby boy. I promise you this love, I will never ever, not in million years will ever give up on you as you are my son now"

Stella promises to Marius as he smiles and giggles softly at her while caressing his chubby cheeks. Stella then walks for more than 30 minutes in the middle of nowhere as she only thinks about getting them both as far away from the warehouse.

As hope seems like a star away from her, Stella's pace begins to slow tremendously as her legs started to lose their strength and she begins to feel tired. Then out of nowhere a car parked in front of her.


Cursed Stella as she quickly draws out her handgun while fighting her fatigue and dizziness.

"Stop Stella,"

The man said as he raises his hands in a surrender form as she slowly and uncertainly lowers her handgun. Then she asked; "Lu-Luciano?" while feeling a little dizzy yet still holding onto the handgun.

"Yes, I was sent by your father"

Luciano replies as he walks over to Stella who blinks her eyes a couple of times to look at him and confirm indeed he is who he identifies. She then walks over to the car and whisper; "Dizzy" as she holds onto the hood of the car.

"Seat, I'll get you home safely,"

Luciano opens the passenger's door before slowly pushing Stella in while Marius is still strapped onto Stella's body as her arms are protectively wrapped around Marius' body. Fully aware of that action, Luciano closes the door and runs toward the driver's seat.

He then quickly steps on the accelerator and zooms out from that place in a couple of minutes they're at the main road. At that time Marius started to squirm which makes Stella flinch and hiss in pain.

Luciano turn to look at her and a small "Fuck" could be heard as he saw Stella's t-shirt drenched with blood. Without stopping yet accelerating even faster, he quickly calls his doctor while breaking every traffic law.

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