Double Celebration

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Laughter could be heard coming from the second floor and down towards them as Stella laugh heartily at her small tease. Stella then quickly walk over to the living room area and greet her parents, "Mater, pater (Mother, father)" while smiling at them.

"Mea infantem puella, quo tuus fugit? (my baby girl, how was your sleep?)" asked Catherine as Stella take her seat beside her.

"Erat delicatus sine tumultu rem sicut ad requiem sursum (It was nice as I get to rest up without disturb)".

"Oh, before I forget. Can we celebrate Marius's birthday again? I missed his first-year birthday and I don't have the intention of ignoring it and celebrating them on his 2nd year birthday. Since everyone is here and all then why can't we celebrate for the second time? It'll be fun for him"

Stella said as she states it more than asking while Skylar was quick to agree on it together with Luciano who walks over towards them and said;

"Sure, why not. I'll arrange the place"

Stella then nods her head before standing up and said, "Okay, since everyone is down with it then Luciano you'll organise them and I'll go and get something to eat".

Stella then walks out from the living room leaving the overly excited grown-ups with 7-year-old energy as they talk and discuss Marius's birthday plan and venue.

While Stella almost finishes her meal, Skylar enters the dining room accompanied by Marius who was happily trying his best to walk over to his mother.

"Oh my baby boy, you have gotten big and now you can walk. What a big boy"

Stella praised as she opens her arms for Marius before picking him up and snuggles her nose on Marius's belly, nose then kiss his cheeks.

"He is getting bigger and smarter too," said Skylar proudly.

"He is, isn't he"

Stella proudly said as they both still stood up and admire Marius.

The trio then proceed on taking their seats at the dining table before Skylar asked straightforward, "When will you tell us about what happens while you are at the Romanov mansion?".

Stella close her eyes and take a breather still didn't utter a word.

Skylar then adds, "And don't even bother trying to cover it up cause my dear you, literally put out a statement that this is the work of our Angel of Death's Organisation" whisper Skylar in the last part of the sentence. She then continues "You shoot them at their forehead and burn the mansion and it's a hot topic right now".

Stella exhale and then open her eyes as she looks at her best friend who was looking at them with curious eyes.

"I will explain to you and everyone later just not now"

Stella replies simple, short and on point with no room to argue.


Skylar pout while Stella shakes her head in no motion as she rolls her eyes. After that small leisure time, everyone was busy waiting for each other while Lorenzo actively asked;

"Are you girls ready?"

As he walks downstairs towards them all who were busy using their shoes and heels Laura teased, "Old man, you are the only one who is slow" she sticks her tongue out.

Lorenzo quickly counter-attacks his wife, "Don't tease this old man or you won't be able to wake up tomorrow" he winked while licking his lips slightly indicating that he is thinking about dirty things.

"Stop that you two, a toddler and an innocent lady are standing in front of you two dirty old couple"

Stella teases them both as she points at Marius first then at her while giving them dirty stares.

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