Dinner First

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Stella then proceeds on using her clothes in which she picks her pants first but as she was about to pull up her pants to cover her butt, Luciano abruptly walks into a butt-naked Stella.

"Shit, sorry,"

Luciano turns around quickly after taking a glimpse of Stella's round and smooth butt while Skylar looks at them trying to hold her laughter in but ended up bursting it out.

"Hahahaha, hahaha this is epic,"

"Sorry I'll wait for the both of you outside"

As soon as Luciano walks out of the room Stella looks at her best friend fully clothed, who is busy wiping her tears while keeping her laughter under control.

"Haha. Haha. Do you have fun laughing? Enough yet? Then let's go"

"Okay, okay. Let's go"

The duo then exit the room and head over to the parking lot where Lucian meets them half way. As soon as they reach him, Skylar quickly asked;

"Lucian where's your brother?"

"At the car, talking to his subordinate"

Lucian reply as they walk out from the lift and head over to the VVIP parking lot. Almost arrived at the designated car, out of nowhere, Skylar dropped the bomb right in front of Stella.

"Okay so you'll be following Luciano and I'll be going with Lucian,"


"We need to get back to the penthouse and guide the house cleaners who will help us to clean your mess up. Besides Luciano will bring you to papa's house so don't worry much okay"

Skylar winked at her best friend before she turns around and slides inside Lucian's car leaving her stunned best friend behind. Who looks at Lucian's car drove off leaving her behind.

Whereas, Luciano who was there being accommodative, opens the passenger's door and said, "Ermm Stella, let's go?".

Without utter any word she slides inside the car. Soon both Luciano and Stella head out of the hospital car park and into the main road where they were greeted with an almost night sky.

As they were on their way to the house, Luciano asked,

"Wanna grab some dinner?"

"No need, papa already cook dinner for us at home,"

Stella reply while looking outside of the window with a beating heart trying to calm herself but her small action was cut as Luciano truthfully said, "They called and said that patrem and matrem (father and mother) bring all of them out for dinner and there's no one at home now," which earns him a doubt stare by Stella.

"Give me your phone,"

Luciano straight away hands over his unlocked phone without worry while Stella scrolls through Luciano's contact list.

"Ermm, what did you save my parent's number under?"

"Cognato suo (father-in-law)"

Luciano nonchalantly replies which makes Stella snort a little in which he asked, "You okay?" he smirks while taking a brief look at Stella as she raises her left eyebrow.

'Oh, you want to play with fire? This fire will burn you'

Stella said to herself as she smirks at her evil plan and in a confident tone she reply, "Yes, I am" while already on a call with her father.

"Hello pater (dad), are you all out from papa's house?"

"Okay, okay. No, no need. Yes. Hmm. Okay, then I'll go out too. Yes with Luciano. No, no. Just for dinner. Yes, hmm. Okay. Bye"

Stella hangs up the phone and gives it back to Luciano while he continues to drive towards his cousin's restaurant with which Stella is familiar.

"So... Italian food? Western food?"

"No and no. It's up to you since you are the one who drives me around so you got to pick the place"

Stella changes the stereo subconsciously as she always does when she was with Skylar. A few minutes of drive and they've reached their destination which is the Sicilian restaurant that is owned by Luciano's cousin.

"Is Sicilian food okay with you?"


They both unbuckle their seat belt and exits the car. As they enter the restaurant both of them were welcome by a waitress.

"Can we have a private room just for the two of us?"

The moment the waitress look at Luciano she couldn't help but ogle over him for a hot second before nodding her head and leading the way to the private room located on the second floor.

Like a gentleman, Luciano said, "Ladies first," as they both arrived at the private room with a view and without forgetting her manners, Stella reply with a thank you as she walks inside the room and pulls the chair out.

Luciano then walks to the opposite side of the room in which direction in front of Stella and at that moment he almost chokes on his saliva while looking at Stella.

Stella knew about Luciano's reaction so she remains quiet and enjoyed her silent torture towards him as she slightly bends down exposing her upper breast part while taking her seat looking like it was unintentional.

"Here's the menu and I'll be back in 5,"

The waitress continues to look at Luciano who was openly eye-rapping Stella.

"What do you have in mind?"

"I don't know. What do you recommend me to eat?"

Stella slowly looks up and looks at Luciano seductively blinking her eye while still covering half of her face with the menu book whereas Luciano openly looks at her as if she's his prey.

"Then let's try their Pasta alla Norma, Pasta con le sarde and involtini di pesce spade".

Stella then clears her throat and looks down at the menu, she slightly nods her head and ignores the shyness that slowly creeping up on her.

"Okay then, I'll go with what you just said"

Stella places the menu down and reveals herself in front of Luciano who slightly raises his left eyebrow as she pushes the menu by the side of the table while lean slightly and exposing her upper body which she caught him staring before he does the same as her.

"Can I get your order?"

Once again the waitress enter the room and openly ogle at Luciano who wasn't even looking at her while he was eyeing Stella with a hot stare as she avoided his stare.

"We'll Pasta alla Norma, Pasta con le sarde and involtini di pesce spade"

"Add arancini and a well-done steak. Oh, warm water please"

Stella said as she smiles and look at the waitress who was busy ogle and jotting down their order ignoring Stella.

"Sir, your drink?" asked the waitress.

"Red wine, the oldest you got,"

"Okay, your meal will serve shortly," said the waitress as she gathers the menu and walks off.

The moment the waitress was out of the room Luciano asked, "Aren't you cold Stella?" in a slightly low tone as he looks at Stella from her head to her waist area.

"Hmm, not really beside if the room got cold then we can ask them to close the air conditioner,"

The two of them talk about everything from being a total enemy-like at first to an almost friend at the end of the dinner.

"Let's go back home,"

Stella totally loosen up around Luciano as he ignites the engine and drove off from that restaurant and headed over to Jacob's house. As they both arrived at Jacob's house, Stella took the initiative to thank Luciano.

In which an easy-going manner he replied; "Don't worry about it plus this is what friends do isn't it," while the both of them exit the car and headed over to the front door.

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