Telling about Tim Copley

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As everyone settle down taking their seats and without wasting any time, Stella look at them and asked;

"So tell us why are you here?".

"I got jumped by The Varrios Riot Cartel"

Everyone was suddenly quiet while Luciano took this opportunity to look at Skylar and asked, "Who is he to you Skylar?" he looks at Skylar directly who remind quiet.

Stella look at her best friend who was quiet she then answer her; "Her bully" she couldn't help herself in which she adds, "Skylar, don't worry okay. You can tell him and he will still stick by your side trust me, babe. You got other people to back you up now, just let it all go" she looks at her best friend, eye-to-eye contact, giving her boost and words of encouragement to which Skylar nod her head.

"Tim Copley is my bully back at my schooling time, he bullied and beat me up because he was in love with me-"

"Sick bastard,"

Stella once again couldn't help but to cutting Skylar's sentence in a fit of annoyance as she rolls her eyes at that statement before she quickly apologise for the butting in while Skylar suppress her smile and continue.

"We both didn't know that he was some kind of member of the cartel when I take legal action towards him which throw him inside the prison for his crime. What we both didn't know and did not in a million years think that he could escape the prison. So remember that day where we use your car Luciano and leave you two at the mall where we three drove back to the hotel?"

"Yes, that night where you three ditch us. Yes, we remember"

Lucian replies as he gives the 'I'm done with you two' facial expression to them both.

"Sorry about that, so when we on our way head back to the hotel he calls me using our gym phone so I pick it up without any worry but it turns out to be a bad case in which he kidnapped the person whom we both cherish which is Jacob, George and Isla"

Skylar stops as she looks at Stella for a small pause which she quickly interjects trying to cover up before both Lucian and Luciano started questioning them.

"Just to clarify that Jacob, George and Isla are like another family whom we meet through our gym as we train under them for protection"

Skylar then continues to explain while trying to sound convincing.

"Then we both quickly fly to Rome first and sent Marius to our parents before we both head over to the meeting place that was set up by Tim, on the next day we went there and it's at one of his warehouses in which we both assume that it's his. In there, we saw Jacob, George and Isla tied up by the side of the warehouse while both of us kneeling in the middle of the warehouse and tied up too. Then a normal conversation turns into a heated one as I feel anger at Tim, well because his people started to punch George so when I scream and threaten him with my words he let his men slap me hard, twice. But what they don't know is that Jacob, George and Isla know how to fight so when they find an opening to fight all three of them started to fight back and knock them one by one"

"What about Stella? Sorry baby, why isn't she bruised up like you if the both of you were kidnapped by that psycho?"

Luciano asked as he looks at Stella using his side-eye trying not to make Stella angry while she was quick defence herself and her best friend with a fake explanation.

"That's because I got pushed to the side together with Skylar, but because this is mainly a revenge for him toward Skylar, his attention was on her while I was a silent witness by the side and of course, the three of them clear them all"

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