Eradicate Blood-Rose Clan

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At exact 4 in the morning, Stella is wide awake. The first thing she does is kiss her son's forehead before she wakes up completely and gets ready to head out. But before she heads up, she makes a quick detour.

In a small, whisper tone she call; "Skylar" softly trying to wake her up but was greeted by a silent Skylar unaware of her calling.

"Skylar, wake up"

For the second time she call and this time she open one of her eyes and asked; "Lia? What time is it? Why are you up early?" look at Stella in all black. She then asked, "Why are you in an all-black outfit? Are you going to now? This morning" as she is fully awake while looking at her best friend who nodded her head.

"I need you to take care of Marius while I'm gone and you need to sleep with him in my room,"

"Okay Lia, I'll take good care of him while you get your stuff done. Remember your promise okay? I mean it Lia"

Skylar emphasises it as she grabs Stella's left hand in which she nodded her head in agreeing to her before she grabs her backpack and heads out without taking her phone or anything that can be traceable by anyone.

Stella then heads down to the garage and ignites her superbike before she zooms out from the mansion but not before she reminds the security guard that spotted her.

"Do not report that I'm going out at the crack of dawn to my parents not until they themselves asked about it okay?"

"Yes Miss, I won't tell anyone about this not until they asked," said the young man who was guarding the front gate.

With that done, Stella before she zooms out from the mansion. Almost two hours later Stella arrives at the warehouse the very place where Alia and her mother parish over an act of stupid revenge by the Blood-Rose Clan.

She wastes no time by quickly setting up her traps thoroughly inside the big warehouse just for the clan before she positions herself at the nearby tree as she hides her superbike near her using a camouflage tactic before she assembles her sniper gun and the waiting game begins.

Not even 10 minutes has passed since she set up her traps and wait for them, Stella could see a series of expensive cars lined up from S-Class Limousine to SUVs to black-coloured cars driving up to the warehouse.

The S-Class Limousine then stopped right in front of the warehouse and Stella could see both the Don and Donna of the Blood-Rose clan walk inside the warehouse together with their hoe of a daughter who drives the latest GT-Coupé.

"Exactly what I want you to do"

"Bad personality but punctual"

Murmur Stella to herself as she smirks at them while looking at them through her Leupold Mark 5 Rifle Scope.

Meanwhile, at the warehouse, the Blood-Rose Clan walk casually without knowing that they walk into a setup trap as Cecelia Rose loudly asked; "Where the fuck is that stupid person?" to one of the guards who are as puzzled as them.

"The fuck! That person trying to fucking play with us?! We are the Blood-Rose clan no one fuck with us"

Cecilia arrogantly yells and is angry over nothing.

In a calm and soft voice her mother said; "Cecilia, that's not how a leader should act", while Santiago Rose the father of Cecilia rudely encounter; "Leave her woman, what's your problem," backing up his daughter.

In an arrogant manner, Cecilia side-eyes her mother as her father walk towards her; "I still don't understand how you can marry something like her," rudely looking at her mother in disgust.

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