Okay to Worst Evening

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Feeling a hot laser stare at them, both Luciano and Stella asked; "What?" in unison while looking at the three of them.

The trio, Skylar, Lucian and Gabriel in unison shakes their head which makes their eyebrows pull together in a second before back to a smirk facial expression as Stella murmur "Weirdo" while finishing her food before she turns to look at her son who happily eating.

"My boy, wait. Why is his shirt changed?"

Asked Stella as she looks up at Luciano before she straight away turns to look at Lucian and Gabriel who were avoiding her eye contact.

"That causes his shirt is dirty so I go and have him changed right away"

Luciano said truthfully which make Stella look at him with disinterest look before she raises her eyebrow and asked;

"And what's the need for you to have a matching outfit with him?"

She looks at Luciano directly while he busy feeding Marius as he scraps the last bit of the baby food and gives them to Marius who happily plays with his new toys.

"Cause it's cute and they only have matchy outfits so why not,"

"And you even bought him new toys,"

"Baby, he has these super cute sparkly puppy eyes while making that cute grabby hands as he slowly babbles cutely over it so I have to buy it for him,"

Stella shakes her head before proceeding on picking Marius up from his high chair and gently putting him on her lap, then, gently pat and rub his back until he burped. After that, she places Marius in his baby stroller as he babbles cutely while trying to eat the toys before she stands up and looks at Skylar who immediately stands up and follows her to the counter area.

Stella asked "Hi, how much do I have to pay" as soon as she arrives at the cashier counter while unzipping her purse.

"The bill is already paid," said the cashier.

"By whom?"

"Don, Donna," said the cashier while smiling.

"No. I will pay for my own meal, so how much does it cost?"

"Sorry Donna, I cannot take your money because that's Don's order," 

"Boy, tell me how much or else,"

"Donna please, I don't want to lose my job nor my head over this. I have siblings to feed at home" said the cashier in a pleading voice.

"You know what, here take this money if you still don't want to tell me the amount or accept the cash for this restaurant then you can keep it for your sibling,"

Stella pulls out 500 bills from her purse and put them on top of the cashier countertop. She then walks out of the restaurant with her best friend who tagged along while pushing the stroller out of the restaurant.

Skylar quietly follows her best friend as they both walk over to the kids' toys area.

As they reach the kids' toys area, while pretending to touch the teddy bear Stella asked;

"Are they still following us?"

"Yes like lost dogs why?"

Without reply, she pulls out her phone and searches for something on her phone while Skylar takes a peep at her phone.

"What's that?"

"Our next destination, come now. Let's go"

Stella put her phone inside her pocket and started to walk away from that place together with Skylar and Marius leaving the boys behind. The trio then heads over to Luciano's car which was parked in the VVIP parking lot together with another car that belongs to him as well.

"Let's go here, I search this place on the web and it says that today is the only day they'll do a firework performance,"

Stella said as she finished buckling Marius in his baby seat before she herself use her seat belt while using her own phone to get to that place. Stella pulls out from the parking lot and heads over to the firework place which takes about a 45-minute drive.

Along the way, Skylar softly nods her head, trying her hardest not to fall asleep while Stella take a glance at her and said; "Get some rest Sky, I can get us there safely," which she obey and pull back her seat to make herself comfortable.

Along the way, Stella was jamming to the radio music while Marius and Skylar sleeping soundly but their happy moment was cut short as someone from her workplace called Skylar's phone.

"Sky. Babe. Your phone is ringing it's from our workplace"

Stella said as she tries to shake her up to which Skylar reply; "Hmm, pick the call up for me please," as she hands over her phone to Stella and then falls back to sleep.


"Miss Skylar? Sorry I need to speak to Miss Skylar".

"It's me, Stella. What's up?"

Stella pressed the speaker button while taking a glance at her best friend.

"Mi-miss Stella evening Miss. We have a problem here at our gym"

"What's wrong?"

"I couldn't find both Jacob and George for the whole day Miss. I've called their cell phones multiple times and I even went to the police station which they rejected me and said to come back after 24 hours of disappearance but I feel something isn't right as the front door of the gym was locked but not the back door and there's a forced entry on the office door plus our camera all dead and smashed, I know I shouldn't disturb you but I couldn't think of anyone to call for help or anything any more" 

Isla said in a pleading nervous voice.

"Oh, honey. Don't worry okay, we will find them and where are you at?"

"I'm at the gym righ- ARGHHHH! HELP!!"

Isla's scream could be heard by both Stella and Skylar accompany by the sound of dragging through the phone call. Immediately Skylar panicked and said;

"Hello?! Hey! Pick the phone up you sicko!".

"Hello Miss Skylar, it's good to hear your voice,"

A familiar slightly eerie man's voice answers Skylar.


As soon as Stella could sense danger and a bad vibe coming from the man so-called Tim she quickly pulls over and Skylar get out of the car while Stella kept her eyes on both Skylar and a sleeping Marius.

Meanwhile Tim, in a taunting manner softly yet firmly call; "Yes my baby sister, it's your big brother,"

Feeling being watched from afar, Skylar looks around in panic as she replies; "No. It can't be you, you are not real" in a small tone.

"It is me, baby sister. How come you forget my voice your big brother?"

Tim laughed like a maniac fully aware of his effect on her.

"NO. NO! It can't be true!"

"Yes, it is true baby sister. I'm out, I escape. Did you forget what I told you? I will escape and drag you with me"

"I'm coming for you SKYLAR. I'M COMING"

"Please, I beg you, please. Let them go. I will go to you. Please just let them go. Please Tim, please. I will do whatever you want. Please"

Skylar begs with everything she has while kneeling by the roadside as she covers her mouth trying her hardest not to cry but her action fuel Tim's action even further as he laughs like a maniac.

Like an actual maniac, he stops his laughter; "Meet me at the warehouse where you betray me," in a business tone before hanging up the phone call.

Skylar straight away crying and wailing next to the car as she hugs her knee and slowly rocks herself while wrapping her hands over herself. Stella then quickly locks the other side of the passenger back and front door before she kneels and hugs Skylar who cries nonstop as she hugs her best friend.

10 to 15 minutes later, Skylar regains her composure as she wipes her tears harshly and with determination, she stands up together with her best friend then they hop inside the car and turn around to head over to the hotel.

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