Divulgence: The Triple Cross

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After their lunch Luciano, Marius and Stella head over to the Maranzano mansion as requested by Stella where everyone was seated at their own respective seats. Everyone was present at that moment from The Salvatore to the Conner family looking puzzled yet curious as Stella stand in front of them all.

"The reason why I call everyone here is that I want to come clean before we proceed with the wedding," said Stella as she looks at them before she focused on Luciano and said, "After that, you can decide whether to divorce me or continue with the wedding".

Everyone that was present there looked at her with a confused silent expression but the silent atmosphere was cut off by Gabriel as he said, "Tell us without spare anything" in a business tone.

"What happen 2 months ago at the Romanov mansion is actually my own plan,"

"What do you mean by your own plan?" asked Laura.

"I plan everything from the start, from Tomifey to The Eradicate of their clan. It was all me, out of revenge. Sorry Sky, I didn't tell you this part" said Stella as she drops the bomb.



"I don't get it"


"Are you for real?"

"Are you serious?"

A series of different comments and questions was flooding in the air as they simultaneously asked Stella in a shocked tone.

"I'm being serious here. It started after my grandparents die in which I took it upon myself to get revenge"

"But they die due to old age as stated in their medical records," said Giovanni.

"Did they? Did they really die due to old age? Sorry for asking this but do you really know your own parents patrem, matrem? (father, mother)"

Stella asked as she looks at her parents with a sceptic look then she continues, "They did not die due to old age but due to someone injecting something into them through in between their toe and middle finger of their foot where no one will ever look at. Here's the proof" said Stella as she uses the projector that was connected with her laptop.

"Just bear with the picture for a bit matrem, patrem. I know it's hard for you right now but please bear with it if you want to know the truth and the reasons why I did what I have to" add Stella as she changes the picture from their foot to their whole body.

"Everything in the records was cleaned by The Romanov sub unit's leader and his son. They make it as if avus, avia (grandpa, grandma) was just a helpless old person that die unexpectedly due to old age but I know they didn't so I dig deeper and deeper using their own tactics and plan"

Stella moves on to the next picture which is the whole board of The Sub Unit of The Romanov Clan but before Stella moves to the next picture, Giovanni quickly asked, "Wait, avus, avia (grandpa, grandma) tactic plan?" in which Stella nod her head in confirming his words.

"Both avus, avia (grandpa, grandma) work with the government as their Intel and tactic planner to bring down The Chort (The Demon). That was once a subunit of The Romanov Clan but now they are the ruler of Human Trafficking. They did everything from sex, organs, slaves etc. Here is the long list that they have and here is their revenue monthly"

Stella proceeds to show their finances while Luciano turns to look at her, "How did you get this?" out of curiosity.

Stella then looks at him and slightly smirks before she replies, "This financial report? That's because lover boy I'm a hacker, I hack into their base system and I found tons of shit from them which I use for my advantage".

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