The Salvatore Meet Baby Marius

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As soon as they reach The Salvatore Road both Stella and Skylar feel slightly nervous and excited while they drove towards the mansion. As they pull up at the gate Stella was greeted by the security guard that was seating in his booth.

"Roll down the window," said the security guard in a flat tone.

Stella then rolls down her window and smile at the guard which makes him jump out from his seat and greet politely her.

"Shit, sorry Miss. We didn't expect you today and welcome home Miss"

The guard said in a shocked tone as he opens the gate quickly he then proceeds on pulling out his walkie talkie but as he was about to use the walkie talkie he was stopped by Stella.

"Ty, do me a favour don't tell anyone about my arrival, thank you,"

Stella drives up the front porch and then parked her rental car before she gets out of the car, heads over to the boot and grabs Marius's stroller before she carries the baby car seat with Marius inside who was fast sleeping.

Securely she places the car seat on top of the stroller and makes it into a proper stroller. She then turn to look at Skylar and asked; "Did you grab everything?" before she pushed the stroller.

"Yes, everything here" replies Skylar as she double-checks everything again.

"Okay then, let's go," said Stella in excitement.

Both Stella and Skylar walk to the main front door while baby Marius still sleeping soundly. They rang the bell and in a few minutes the door opened, both of them were greeted by the maid who was surprised to see all of them.

"Oh my God! Miss Stella, Miss Skylar and baby Marius!" said the young maid loudly as she was shocked and happy to see them.

As soon as she said that loudly, all of the other maids and security from inside and outside of the house quickly run over to them while her parents and brother slowly walkout from their room and headed over to the front door.

"Oh my"

"Miss Stella?"

"Miss Skylar?"

"Baby stroller?"

"Who's baby is that?"

"I want to see"

"Move, I can't see"

"Miss Stella is all grown up"

"Miss Skylar is all grown up"

"I can't see the baby"

"Baby Marius is here?"

"Miss Stella come home?"

A series of questions and statements coming from inside and outside of the house as both Stella and Skylar smile at each other while shaking their head at their attitude meanwhile with the commotion and whispering while the mini gathering in front of the door happens, baby Marius stir up from his sleep and started to babbling.

"Oh ho, someone is awake,"

Stella pushes the cover to reveal baby Marius who looks at her with his big round eyes amazed at his mother's beauty he stopped his babble for a second before continuing to babble happily.

"Oh, the prince is awake,"


Stella said to get their attention.

"Can we move inside? We literally standing at the doorway"

Instantly a series of apologies can be hear surround them as they walk inside the house while the other backing away and make way for them. At that time, a series of questions was thrown at them.

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