Explain To Best Friend Part 4: Digging Her Own Grave

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As the trio reach Rome they slowly disembark the plane and walk over to their luggage carousel before exiting the arrival gate and were greeted by their car rental serviceman before they all head over to the car they rented that was parked at the main entrance of Leonardo da Vinci International Airport.

"Here's your key mam and have a great day in Rome,"

Said the car rental man as he hands over the car key to Skylar while Stella was busy putting Marius in his car seat. Without waiting for long, she ignites the engine and takes her seat next to Marius.

"Here Lia, you drive while I seat with Baby Mar,"

"Okay, let's go. Wait, do you want to eat dinner first or settle in the house first?"

"Up to you" reply Skylar as she plays with Marius' finger.

"Okay then, let's go and eat our dinner since it's 6.30 pm and I bet by the time we reach home it'll be around 7.30 pm, not to forget we need to get freshen up and so on so let's go and eat our dinner first,"

Stella expertly drove out of the airport and hit the freeway. Almost an hour later, Stella, Marius and Skylar exit their car and head towards the local restaurant that's not far from their house. They dine and have fun chatting while savouring their food while Stella busies giving food to Marius and attending to his needs before hers.

Out of the blue, the handsome waiter said; "Specially made by the sous chef to our lovely couple," while putting the plate in front of them in the middle of the table.

"We didn't order this," said Skylar clean and crisp.

Her action makes Stella look up at her as she is truly perplexed at that moment while she quickly gives Marius his food.

"It's the special dish that is made by our sous chef personally for our lovely couple that dines here tonight" explain the waiter again.

"Oh, okay. Sorry I lost you for a minute there, can you please tell your sous chef thank you"

"Tell him that the food is excellent," add Stella as she wipes Marius's lips with a baby wipe.

"Most welcome mam and I will inform the sous chef immediately"

The waiter walks away from them and towards the kitchen area. A few minutes later the sous chef come out of the kitchen and walk toward Stella, Marius and Skylar's table that was located next to the window.

"Do you enjoy your food here ladies?" asked the chef in his Italian accent making both Stella and Skylar look at them including Marius.

"Yes, the food is marvellous and are you the sous chef?"

"Yes, indeed I am. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier my name is Daniel and its good to hear that you love the food"

"It was delicious and thank you for the special dish, Chef Daniel,"

"No, no. It was my pleasure to serve two mothers enjoying their date with a toddler. It reminds me of my aunty and her family" said the sous chef.

"No, no we are not a couple, she's my best friend and this cutie pie is her son,"

Skylar quickly corrects the misinformation while Stella looks at her quizzical facial expression.

"Oh," said Daniel a little high as if he discovers something magical before he quickly changes his facial expression to a normal conversational expression.

Skylar's facial expression speaks volume as she looks at Daniel with her eyes that was partly closed in a few seconds she squinted at his reaction before faking her laugh as if she was unaware of what happened.

Quickly she said; "Yea, we are here just to have a short 3 days vacation trip just to get away from our hectic schedule," looking innocent yet believing.

"Oh, that's great. Anyway, Rome has good food and beautiful places to visit so have fun in Rome. Talk to you ladies another time and enjoy Rome to the fullest" said Daniel before he turns around and heads over to the kitchen.

Out of nowhere, Skylar declares; "He's cute but not my type," towards Stella as she flips her hair before taking a bite of her food in which Stella adds; "Neither do I" while she takes a bite of her food.

Skylar rolls her eyes and scoffs slightly at her; "You are single babe, you can have fun and no one will say anything about that," reminding her best friend about her single life.

"I am but not anymore as I have my own responsibilities and I have a very cute son now so I won't do stupid stuff that will affect my son now or in the future,"

Meanwhile, Marius was banging at the baby chair trying to reach out for the apple that was seated near him but he couldn't reach it due to the high baby chair tray that holds him back from grabbing his favourite apple so the only thing he good at is babbling and banging.

"Okay, okay. Wait for a second baby, mummy will give your favourite apple to you. Here, now settle down"

Stella pushes the apple towards Marius and hands him one slice of apple which he happily munches on.

"He's so hectic, how can you know what he wants and what he didn't?"

"You can blame it on my mother's intuition" reply Stella while smirking at Skylar before chuckling at her while she retort back; "Intuition my ass, you just got lucky that this champ is nice to you and only you," as she rolls her eyes.

"That's when you are wrong,".

"Huh? Why so".

Stella in a small voice said; "Marius calms down whenever Luciano holds him" while trying to keep herself busy with Marius who was focusing on munching his apple.

Skylar stop midway, leaned forward, she said; "What did you just blur out," slowly she place her champagne glass down while looking at Stella suspiciously.

Stella pretended to look lost and puzzled; "Hmm, huh, you okay? Why do you stop drinking, here, drink it finish" while handing over Skylar's champagne glass to her.

"Stop playing dumb, you better tell me. Why Marius would be calm when he's with Luciano? Since when did he ever be with him? Or a matter of fact did Luciano ever hold Marius?"

"Hmm, you okay? Do you need anything?"

"Fine, play dumb all you want. I'll just call Lucian and told him that we are now in Rome" said Skylar as she fishes out her phone.

"Okay, okay. I'll tell you. Jeez, calm down woman"

"Well I did skip the part where he was standing inside his bedroom with the half-baked doctor and then Marius was crying at that moment so he asked the maid to give Marius to him which makes Marius happy as his fake crying turn into a happy babble and he was producing noises that no one understands except for he himself, am I right baby boy, mummy is right, right my baby boy,"

Said Stella which ended with her using her baby tone with Marius while slightly pinching her son's nose which makes him giggle more whereas Skylar looks at her best friend with a blank expression.

"Why am I getting the vibe of a woman with her son running away from her husband who is chasing after her just because he worries for his Donna and son's safety while Donna is having a blast playing cat and mouse game,"

Skylar said as she makes her own deduction while pointing her fingers from Stella to Marius while folding her arms together feeling like the great detective but to her disappointment both mother-son duo ignore her completely.

"Jeez, you are getting better and better at ignoring people. You two are really two peas in a pot, like a mother like son" murmur Skylar as she bottoms up her champagne.

Stella was smirking at Skylar's attitude while playing with Marius who is still hyper, so they quickly clean up themselves and head over to the counter, they pay their bills and exit the restaurant.

Along the way to their parent's house, both Skylar and Stella talk about their own company in which they both wanted to expand their company to a new branch just an overview of what they actually wanted.

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