What a day

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It was Monday morning and with another week to go for Stella Lia Salvatore to finally graduate and head back to her home town. She is a free spirit, kind and gentle girl with a secret.

At the age of 13, Stella left home and pursue her education in New York, she left her home town which is Rome, Italy just because she feel restricted and watched over 24 hours but of course, the major reason is that her peers were pressuring her up to a point where she always isolated herself with the others so she decided to left home and live by her own in which wasn't actually by her own.

She was accompanied by her grandparents who unfortunately died when she was the age of 17 years old due to old ages but as always life should go on and so does Stella's life as she stood strong and butt head with challenges that have come in her way throughout the years.

Now almost at the age of 24, almost late for her class she was lazying around on her bed and looking at the view from her penthouse. A couple of minutes later she grabs her phone and reads the message that was sent to her by her best friend Skylar in which she quickly gets up and heads over to the bathroom and gets ready for her class.

*The Message*

My Sky: Babe, you better get your ass up and head over to the university or we both are going to be late for our final week.

P/s: I saw our hot professor and he parked right beside me! So come quick before someone snatch your parking lot.

Upon arriving at the university's ground she parks right beside her professor's car who she was having a crush on. As soon as she exits her car, she walks over and stands beside her best friend.

"Why has he parked his car at the student's parking lot?"

Skylar in a small voice while winked at her best friend who smiles at that thought and side-elbowed her;

"I don't know Lia, probably there's no parking lot available at the staff's parking lot or something. Or.. he might want to meet you, you know since this is the last week for us. Anyway, let's go before we are really late for our class,"

She then grabs her phone, looks at the time and slightly cursed; "Shit and it's Mdm Cat's class today" immediately both of them power walked towards their class.

After the class ended both Skylar and Stella walked out of the classroom and headed over to their cars that were parked in the parking lot for students.

"Can't Mdm Cat be an angel for once instead of being a devil Cat?"

"I know right, she's being mean until the end"

Upon arriving at the parking lot both best friends look at each other with a surprising look and saw a lady busy spraying on the professor's car so they made their way toward her.

"Hey, lady. What are you doing?"

The woman cease her action, flip her hair at the same time, said, "None of your business," and then continues to spray on the car windshield.

Ignore the crazy lady, Stella turn to her car and saw a spray of cursed words over her door, immediately she cursed at the unknown woman.

"What the fuck lady! My car too?!"

The unknown woman who stopped her spraying activity, turn to look at Stella with an apologetic and shocked expression as she explain;

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry. I thought that you are his mistress"

"What mistress?"

"Your so-called perfect, handsome and single professor is actually engaged with me and he's a fucking player,"

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