Small Bicker Between Best Friend

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The next day Stella slowly open her eyes and woke up to an empty bed which she expected from Skylar who will immediately up and about after her power sleep. She then proceeds to freshen herself up before heading down to the kitchen area.

"Morning folks"

Stella greets the others as she enters the kitchen area in which the rest greet her too. In a situation like a family, George cooks pancakes for her while telling her to take a seat and have breakfast before heading out to which Stella complies.

While looking around Stella asked; "Where's dad and Isla?".

"Out at the gym" replies Skylar as she munches her pancake.

"They both were all about fixing the gym saying that 'before the customer saw the damage, we need to fix it up etc'" add George as he paraphrased his conversation with Jacob and Isla as he quickly washes the used pan.

"That's so them,"

Stella said as she takes a bite of her pancakes and mid-chew it she exclaimed;

"Papa, your pancakes are the best!"

"Child, finish your food first then speak. We don't want to see your halfway chewed food. It's so not ladylike"

"Eww, gross. Finish your food stupid"

Skylar said as she mid-chew her food to which Stella reply; "You too dumb-dumb," while her eye rolled at her best friend and quickly chew her food.

While quickly finishing her food, out of the blue Stella inform; "Oh yea Sky and papa, I'm going back to Rome to pick up my son today," as she finished her food and walk over to the kitchen sink.

"Do you want me to send you to the airport?"

"No need, I'll just use a cab. It's easier that way. I'll go and pack up and head out in an hour"

Stella said as she ruffles Skylar's hair and kisses George's cheek before heading up to their room. 30 minutes later, Skylar burst into the room while Stella was talking on the phone by the window.

"Yes mater, I'll be there around 6 to 6.30 pm. No, there's no need for any of you to pick me up mater. I'm good and I have someone picking me up"

Stella said as she briefly looks at Skylar who walks over to the right side of the bed and slowly lowered herself down on top of the bed.

"No. Hmm. Understand. No. Skylar is helping out at the university. Hmm. Yes. Mdm Cat. Yes, the strict lecturer. Yes, she's the one. Yes. Okay. Bye mater"

"Is everything okay?"

Skylar asked nonchalantly as she raises her eyebrow looking at her best friend in which she takes a deep breath and exhales loudly while close her eyes.

"Fucking hell Sky, because of your bruised up face I have to fucking cover up for you and lie to our mater. You know I hate and despise lying to our family members".

"I'm so sorry Lia, I didn't know and didn't think about this one out,"

"Of course, you don't. That's why I told you to finish it quickly with small damage but no, you still want to play angel with the enemy"

Stella exhales while shaking her head as she walks over to her cabin luggage and packs up then she adds;

"You know how my attitude is, and I want to give him a clear and honest fight. Lia, you of all people should understand my si-" said Skylar but was interrupted by Stella.

"Situation that wasn't supposed to be in their favour. Your mistake almost cost your life. How many times should I fucking tell you?! The enemy will never play fair, they will always find a fucking way to bring their enemy down and you should know as you've encountered many types of bastard out there"

Stella was a little pissed at her best friend as she zipped her luggage and stand it up then again add;

"And you out of all people should know that we are no Angel"

She glares at Skylar before she turns and walks out of their share bedroom and Skylar quickly follows her.


Skylar tries to keep up with Stella but fails miserably as she wound protests which makes her slow down and groan in pain, this makes Stella slightly toss her luggage by the side and rushed over to her best friend.

"Sky. You okay?"

"Yeah, I am. I was just teasing you babe"


"Please don't get mad at me Sky. I promise I will listen to you starting from today onwards"


"I'm sorry for being stupid,"

Skylar with the help of Stella takes her seat by the edge of the bed before adjusting herself and lying down properly.

"It's okay Sky, I totally understand you and don't worry about anything okay? Do rest well and don't do stupid things again. I'll get going now and return the next day so don't wait up,"

Stella stands up, waves goodbye turns and walks out of the room. In the living room, she saw Jacob and Isla lounging around, talking while watching their favourite series.

"Dad, Isla. I'm going back to Rome to take baby Marius and I'll be back by tomorrow night"

"Okay baby girl, be safe and stay safe,"

"Take care sissy and have a safe flight,"

Isla, George and Jacob take turns hugging Stella as they bid their goodbyes. But before she head out she quickly asked;

"Will do and you two please take care of Skylar for me while I'm out?"

"We will. Don't worry"

"Oh and don't forget to call us if anything happens over there, okay baby girl," said Jacob in a fatherly tone which earns him a smile and a nod from Stella.

Stella then turns and heads towards the main door before she exits the house and hops inside the cab while waving goodbye at her family. Upon arriving at the airport, with light and giddy aura overflowing she couldn't contain her excitement about meeting her baby as she boarded the plane.

While doing nothing and trying to kill some time on the plane, Stella quickly digs around information about the news, The Death of Varrios Riot Cartel son, Spatz Tim Antonelli shocked the whole Mexican country and the Cartel world.

She then smirkingly smiles at the news as she double confirms the news itself by hacking onto the morgue house CCTV and the live recording that happen just a few hours ago. With one enemy eliminated, Stella cancels out her target list that was hidden behind the impenetrable firewall that she specially builds for every plan that they ever made or every eradication they have ever done whether it is big or small.

She then closes her laptop and enjoys her alone time before she land and deals with the nosy family that accompanies her very nosy best friend's boyfriend and his brother who often follow her around like a lost puppy.

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