Stella the Reaper Of Death Part 1

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After the seduction, Alek often near Stella like a lost puppy which is exactly what she wanted to in order to cause chaos in the Romanov mansion.

"You slut"

Mikhail slaps Stella who falls on the floor like a fragile woman who couldn't fight over a big man like himself whereas Alek, tries to step forward but couldn't as Mikhail looks at him in anger.

"You! You fucker"

Mikhail walks over to him and punches his stomach.

"I told you to keep an eye on her not fucking her"

Mikhail kicks Alek's's face which makes him collapse on the floor with a 'thud' sound.

"You! Seriously a fucking slut aren't you"

Mikhail marches over to Stella who was covering her face in fright but before he could do anything to her, another guard rushed in, whispering something to him as he walk out of the room before he walk off he said;

"Keep them in the basements"

The two guards then pick Alek first before another guard come and slowly approach her in which she shakes in fear.

"Stella, it's me Alex, Alek's brother. I will not harm you okay, I'll just escort you"

Alex talk to Stella in a calm and friendly manner while the other guard who was there holding onto Alek quickly said;

"Stop being kind Alex, grab her or better yet drag her to the basement,"

Alex turns to look at him, "Shut it dick head," before he turns to look at Stella and whispers, "Stella, let's go now before that monster comes back," as he smiles sweetly at Stella.

In a nod, Stella hug Alex as she beg in her sad and broken voice, "I'm so sorry Alex, I'm sorry that Mikhail did that to your brother. Please forgive me" while she cries silently in a cracked voice.

"Don't be Stell, you are the kindest and warmest people that we both know in this cold place," said Alex as he supports and helps Stella to walk over to the basement.

"I always and often forget to ask what's inside that room?"

Stella asked in a whisper as she pointed at the door above the basement hidden under the staircase.

"I wasn't supposed to tell you but since you're special, that room is the guns room" whispered Alex back as they both walk down to the basements where they both are being greeted by a big-built man who laugh at her;

"At last Boss discard his favourite toys huh,"

"Just for a few hours" reply Alex laughing together with the man, following along with their game while the same guard quickly said, "I heard about what happened to your brother, sorry man," as he pats Alex's shoulder.

"Nah, don't be. He decides that way, that's his fault"

Alex said calmly as they enter the basement leaving the guard behind as they enter the holding place, Stella beg him once again, "Please put me next to your brother Alex" in a low voice which makes him obey.

As he softly places Stella down he quickly whispers, "I'll come back at 12 so be a good girl" and lock the door.

Stella then quietly seat down on the edge of the cell, holding onto Alek's hands looking fragile and scared while Alex walks out from that place. As soon as she knows Alex nor does anyone around there she quickly takes her seat in a meditation style while organising her escape plan calmly and collectively.

'The only way to go out from here is through the entrance, solid concrete all around this place, no one but us so it'll be a little hard to escape but possible. The gun room is on top of this basement and it needs finger's recognition, the guard it is then-'

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