Mashed Carrot Potato

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"Here's your food mam,"

The waiter serves half of their food first that accompanies another waiter with another half of their ordered food. Then, a minute later, the cute waiter comes again with Marius's food as he announces it; "Here's the big boy's food," as he places Marius food's in front of him.

Stella thanks him as she picks the spoon up and tastes the porridge before giving them to her baby which makes her call the waiter straight away.

"This food is for an 8-month-old child, not a teenager nor an adult who doesn't have any teeth,"

Stella looks dead in the waiter's eye who blinked his eyes nervously while Skylar rephrase it; "What she's saying is that this porridge isn't supposed to be seasoning, it was supposed to be insipid or tasteless" in a calmer and nicer tone in which make Stella nod her head and try to be calm.

"So sorry mam, I'll tell the head chef immediately,"

5 minutes gone and enter the cute waiter brings the food towards them; "Here's your freshly made porridge. The head chef sends his apology for the previous porridge" as he places the food down slowly and gently.

Stella nod her head, then takes a small bite of the food before she nods her head again as she said; "This is correct and perfect. Say thank you to your chef and that boy the one wearing round glasses" as she points to the boy who was standing at the side of the cashier.

"Okay, mam I will tell them. Enjoy your food".

The waiter walked off and then out of the blue Skylar asked;

"So what are you going to do tomorrow?"

"I don't know yet but after food, I want to go hunt down some Cannoli and Sbrisolona for dessert. I read in the magazine this morning that these two desserts are the best so I want to have them"

"Oh man, I want it too. I heard it from Lucian about it and I'm dying to taste it"

Just as they finished the first bite of their food a familiar voice could be heard.

"Can we join you ladies?"

He stands behind Stella which makes her turn around to look at that person and Skylar looks up while Marius is busy wanting to spill his food.

Stella smiled at her brother but her smile dropped and quickly say; "No," as she looks at that person and his entourage.

In a hurtful tone, he replies; "That's not nice to say that for someone who's my flesh and blood," as he takes his seat beside Stella who rolls her eyes.

"If you are alone then okay but not when your sidekick is with you,"

"Don't hate them, sissy, my sidekick is a good person,"

Gabriel said which earns him a sarcastic snort from Stella as she counter-attacks him; "They are not a good person Gab,"

"You try to do something I don't like I swear to you I will walk away immediately leaving your ass behind"

Stella adds before she turns her attention back to Marius who giggles happily as he looked at Luciano wanting his undivided attention. Stella suppressed her eye-roll and quickly said; "Baby here, look at mummy. Your food is here baby, don't look at that devil" while trying to give Marius his food and ignore Luciano who seat at the next table looking at them both.

In true Marius style, he happily babble and clapped calling out; "Ha-ha, pppappa, ppprpaa, pa-pa," whenever he saw Luciano and hold his arms out wanting him to be near him while kicking his leg lightly.

"Baby that's not your papa, he's someone who you need to ignore. Come here, look at mama".

Stella pushes the chair in her direction and this action makes Luciano feel sad and angry towards himself as he bestows this upon himself but as always Stella ignores him and plays with Marius while giving him his food in which Marius refuses to eat.

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