Bugged Office

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"Now that you've seen the team and make them scare, admire and want you. Could you please go away?"

Stella glares slightly at Luciano who was seating comfortably on the provided sofa while suppressing his smile over Stella's jealous attitude. As she was about to say another word, a couple of knocks could be heard echoing in the room.

"Come in,"

Stella said as she continues to type in her laptop without looking up.

"Madam, your file," said Aria, Stella's personal assistant jokingly while disturbing her boss.

In a lowly and lightly groan at her personal assistant she said, "Aria, not you too"

"Sorry Stell, I just couldn't stop myself from pestering you a little beside you look cute when you are shy or jealous," said Aria truthfully which earns her another set of groans.

"Go away, you are no better than them anyway, guys stop looking at him as if he's a freak,"

Stella looks at Aria then tilt her head to look at the others who were busy looking at Luciano who ignore everyone and everything while checking his phones. Quickly Stella once again said, "Out guys out,".

Now Stella looks dead in Aria's eyes making her quick turn around and walk off while shooing the others. A few minutes after that Luciano suddenly stand up and walk over to the window area while on the phone as he checked the surrounding.

Feeling weird, Stella stopped typing and asked, "Why? What's wrong Luciano?" as she look at Luciano who was still on the phone.

Stella walks over to him and places her hand over Luciano's bicep.


Luciano without missing any beat grabs a hold of Stella's hand and pulls her in his embrace by giving her a back hug as he takes a deep breath of her scent while he hangs up the phone call.

Stella shivers at the sudden action, leaving Luciano smiling he then slowly whisper to her ear, "Someone is watching you amore mio (my love)" which makes her slightly shiver at the close contact but loves the intimacy.

In a soft tone, enjoying the moment she whispers, "Where and how do you know this?".

"I found a small bug under your coffee table and do you see the faint blinks coming from the opposite building directly on the same floor with us?" asked Luciano as he nips Stella's ear slightly.

Closing her eyes, trying her hardest not to jump on him she whispers, "Can't focus if you do that" lowly while tilting her head slightly as if giving access to Luciano.

"Sorry, amore mio (my love) but we need to distract them,"

Luciano lowly said as he attacks Stella's neck which earns him a low moan from Stella. Almost a minute after Luciano attacked Stella's neck her phone blared with an incoming call which makes Stella stiff.

"Stop Luciano,"

Stella tries to turn around and push their bodies away from each other but her action was halted as Luciano continues his small assault, "Let them enjoy their view" lowly he said as he still attacks Stella's neck slightly forceful.


Unconsciously Stella moans lowly which leads to a horny Luciano who couldn't contain his desire anymore so instead of pushing his way through, he stops his movement and let Stella go.

Stella was left hanging as she blinks a couple of times before she regains her consciousness and starts to walk over to her table to which Luciano takes advantage by grabbing Stella's arms and quickly kissing her lips in a forceful yet passionate kiss.

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