Spooning and Kisses With a Lil' Teasing

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Everyone was having a hearty meal that was being prepared by Stella while Marius happily clapped and babbled in her mother's embrace.

"How are you feeling my child?" asked Laura as she finished her food.

"Feeling okay I guess, I just need to get some rest, been awake for a day now,"

Stella truthfully said as she yawns for the nth time while Skylar quickly said, "Okay that's it, Lia. Get up and go to your room. Go get some sleep, you've been yawning and yawning. Are you sure you haven't slept for a day? It looks like you haven't slept more than a day?" as she narrows her eyes looking directly at Stella.

"I do sleep, it's just that I don't sleep much. I feel uncomfortable and very restless hence the constant yawning and all"

Stella explains to everyone but mostly to her sister as she smiles sweetly at her son who happily kisses his mother while Lorenzo chimes in, "That little guy really misses you," as he sips his coffee.

"As he supposed to and so am I. I miss this little bugger so so much"

Stella rains kiss Marius who happily laughs.

"Not just him, Stella, Luciano too. You should see the first few weeks he was like a walking zombie. Taking care of Marius and at the same time working, it makes me realise how strong you are, like dude you're a wonder woman" praised Skylar as she holds her cup up and then drinks it.

"Nah, not wonder woman. It's just a normal reflection you know like your body just knows what to do. At first, it was tough then after that I enjoy every moment of it and that's one of the reasons why I'm being overly protective of baby Marius here"

"Indeed you should and have. Your mama bear is out to protect its cubs" winked Laura as she sips her coffee which Lorenzo butt in and asked;

"Since everything is done and safe, I'm dying to bring my grandson out and show him to the rest of the clan. Can I do that Stella?"

"Sure you may but please take good care of him,"

"We will and don't you want to follow us?" asked Laura.

"I think I'll pass, for now, I just need to rest for a bit. My tiredness is killing me and to be honest. I kinda hate myself for constantly yawning"

Stella replies as she stands up together with Marius while she adds, "I'll go and change him real quick,".

Stella then walks out from the kitchen and heads over to Luciano's room to change Marius while freshening him up before she sent him back down to his grandparents.

"Here you go baby, looking all handsome and cute,"

Stella said to Marius who looked dashing in his outfit. The mother-son duo then heads over to the living room to meet up with the rest of them. As soon as they join them, Lorenzo praises Marius, "My prince is so dashing," as he picks Marius up from Stella who was smiling from one ear to the other.

"Okay you three, have fun and please be careful okay, stay safe,"

Stella said as their car pull in front of them while Laura said, "We will don't forget to get lots of rest okay and bye," as she waves goodbye before the chauffeur close the door.

Stella and Skylar waved goodbye towards them as the car slowly peel away and head over to the main gate then drove away. Skylar who was there and side hug her sister who slumps on her shoulder looking tired, said;

"Let's get you in and get some rest. I got you, babe, I got you"

Skylar whispers near Stella's ear as she helps her up to Luciano's room.

"Thank you babe"

"Most welcome and get some rest okay, I'll be in the living room working"

Stella then nods her head and enters the room. She quickly takes off her clothing before taking a warm bath to soothe her muscle before she changes into Luciano's white shirt that was being abandoned on top of the chair.

Stella then plops herself on top of the bed feeling tired but as she was about to get comfortable she suddenly remembers that Marius's crib isn't in her room so she turns and sits up but soon her laziness hit her like a ton of bricks which makes her plop herself back down on the bed and snooze away.

As Stella was in deep sleep, suddenly the bedroom door opened and in walked Luciano who was looking at Stella sleeping peacefully in the middle of the bed while hugging Luciano's pillow.

Without missing a beat, Luciano closes the door without making any sound, heads over to the bathroom, freshens up and then joins Stella in dreamland.

He slips himself under the blanket naked then proceed back spooning Stella who was snuggling closely into his hug, soon both Luciano and Stella slept soundly in peace as no one disturb their naps.

A few hours later, Marius enters the room with the help of Skylar who quietly and gently lay him down in the middle of Luciano and Stella before she dashes out of the room.

"Mama, Papa" "Mama, papa,"

Marius repeatedly said while clapping his small hands as he bounces himself up and down in which accidentally kicking Luciano's face as he drops onto the bed. In a low deep voice, Luciano said, "Marius baby," which makes Stella stir in her sleep.

"Mama, mama, mama mama,"

Marius heads over to Stella then smacks her to wake her up while Luciano quickly picks him up and places him on his stomach as he said,

"Baby, baby. Stop baby let mummy sleep for a while longer okay"

"Papa, papa, papa,"

Marius happily while clapping his hands innocently.

"Hmm, welcome home baby,"

Stella said in a low morning voice as she opens her right eye and closes her left eye before she leans forward to kiss Marius. Instead of kissing Marius, Luciano intercepts them and quickly smooches Stella's lips while grinning like a kid which earns him a glare from Stella as she kisses Marius.

"Go and fed him, you kiss stealer,"

Stella said as she turns around to sleep more while Luciano laughs at her action as he reply, "Okay, my wife. Come on Marius let's get some food in our tummy before we wake mummy up".

Luciano look at Marius who was happily giggling and clapping. An hour later, Luciano enters his bedroom and slips under the blanket to spoon Stella again while kissing her neck multiple times.

"Luci, that's tickle. Did you feed Marius? Where is he?"

Stella asked but remain closing her eyes laying in the same position while Luciano starts to kiss Stella's neck to her shoulder blade as he inform her;

"Downstairs with both of his grandparents and I won't stop until you face me,"

"My parents are here?"

Stella asked as she quickly opens her eyes, sits up and looks at Luciano who nod his head, "Then, let's go" add Stella as she slips out and heads over to the walk-in closet.

Stella takes off Luciano's shirt put it in the hamper then quickly uses her bra before proceeding on using her own jeans and shirt.

'Shit, why didn't I notice that she didn't use a bra. For God's sake if I know I'll casually jump her'

Luciano said to himself as he sighs and closes his eyes regretting that he didn't do anything other than spooning and kissing.

"Stop thinking about jumping me, it's the middle of the day and you're hard. Perv"

Whisper Stella next to Luciano's ears before she exits the room laughing loudly at Luciano who looked like a deer caught in headlights.

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