Mikhail Romanov

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As Stella enters the coffee shop she quickly scans through the place before searching for Mikhail. Almost immediately she could see him as he waved at her who quickly heads over to him knowing that there was no time to waste as evil is hot on her heels.

"Mik, how are you?"

"Doing better now that I saw you. Do you want some coffee?"

"No, thank you. So what's wrong?"

"Any refreshments?" asked Mikhail again trying to drag the whole situation.

"Mikhail if you drag this any longer I will walk off as I have tons of things to do with limited times,"

"Sorry, I didn't know that you are in a rush," said Mikhail as he leans forward towards Stella then he add, "Come near"

Stella lean forwards slightly face away as she leans her ear nearer to him anticipating whatever he wanted to say but her anticipation was cut as Mikhail said, "You are cute,".

Stella pull away and purse her lips in a straight line before he asks her to lean again and for the second time, she lean in he once again said, "I miss you," teasing Stella which makes her slightly annoyed at his attitude as she pulls away to tell him off.

"If you play again I will just leave you here and walk off this is your last chance,"

"Timofey is making his move and I just know that he has already been here in New York for a week now," said Mikhail which caught Stella by surprise as she gasps and pulls away.


"We still don't know why but all I know is that he is furious regarding these speculated rumours about you in a relationship with another guy who is our enemy," said Mikhail as he holds Stella's hand.

"Can you stop doing this Mik? You are Tim's little brother and I don't want this to be awkward as it already is before"

Stella tries to pull her hands away but couldn't as Mikhail gripped her hands tighter. But their moment was cut short as they both could hear a command-like voice from the side;

"Can you stop behaving like that towards my wife?" 

"Lu-Luciano how on Earth-".

"Wife?" asked Mikhail doubtful as he looks at Stella for confirmation.

Stella still looks at Luciano while cursing using her eyes as she rolls them before turns to look at Mikhail.

"You already married?" asked Mikhail again without letting Stella's hand go.


Stella admit while Luciano pull her up and in his Don's voice which excites Stella slightly he said;

"She's my wife and I'm her husband so know your place and don't simply hold onto her hand if you know what's good for you,"

Luciano then turns around while holding Stella's hand as they both walk out of that coffee shop and head over to Stella's office building but before they could enter the building Mikhail quickly catches up with them and hold onto Stella's hand.

"Let her hand go,"

Luciano looks dead into Mikhail's eye.

"I will after she knows the truth about you,"

"Once a trash forever will be a trash,"

Luciano still holds onto Stella's hand that is being held by Mikhail. Immediately he look at Stella and said,

"This man isn't who you think he is,"

"Huh? How so?"

"He is the Mafia Don, I don't know if you know this but he is the most corrupted Mafia Don out there and that's why I'm here which is to prevent you from falling into his trap," said Mikhail as he still holds onto Stella's hand.

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