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The trio then quickly head over to the top floor as they enter the penthouse they were in a formation of an arrow style where Skylar is in the middle and leads the way as on the left side is Jacob while on her right side is George.

They head over to the living room before spreading out and moving in a straight line towards the kitchen area before sweeping the whole floor from door to door which they didn't find anyone or any clue.

"Fuck! They already take Stella away. FUCK!"

Skylar angrily said as they stand in between the walk-in closet and the bedroom whereas George pulls out his phone and tries to track her.

"Did she use her watch?"

"No. She forgets all of her electronic stuff here and now-"

Skylar stopped her sentence as she walks over to the window area where there she saw the broken laptop together with both hers and Stella's phone by the side of the bed.

Skylar cursed, "It's broken. SHIT" while George heard a clicking sound coming from the living room as he said, "What's that sound?". Automatically, Jacob looks at them and instantly they resume their formation and head over to their living room area.

The clicking sound remains the same and continuously as they approach the sofa area where Skylar slips her hands in between the sofa. After a few seconds of searching there, she found her tracker gadget, blinking and clicking sound indicates a signal coming from Stella's track that someone from their hit list is heading towards them.

"What the fuck! Lucian and Luciano are heading over here, shit. We need to get change. Let's go"

Skylar quickly break the formation and pushed them all towards the lift as all of them headed down to the parking area. Upon reaching their own perspective car Jacob, pull out their bag and urged them to change on the spot.

Skylar, Jacob and George quickly take off their gear and bulletproof vase, stuff them in the carry bag and in the nick of time they successfully throw their bag in Jacob's boot while looking like they talking to each other normally as they saw Lucian's car pull.

"Act normal and when they ask questions just let me answer okay papa, dad?"

Skylar quickly informs them as they fake smile, a believable smile and walk towards Lucian's car that was being parked nearer to the lift area. As soon as they walked toward them, Skylar asked;

"What are you doing here?"

Without wasting time, Lucian quickly hugs Skylar, "I tried to call you a couple of times and you didn't answer your phone, I was worried so I hurriedly drive here and thank goodness you are okay,".

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Remember when I told you that the Cartel members are still trying to mess with you two, well that's cause they sent this to me,"

Lucian unlocks his phone as he shows them the picture that contains both Stella and Skylar's picture with an 'X' mark on it and wrote 'from the Cartel to your bitch' on the picture before she passes it to Jacob and George.

"The hell," said George as he hands back the phone to Lucian while Luciano asked;

"Where's Stella?"

"She's at home, why?"


Exclaim Luciano loudly as he runs over to the lift, followed by the rest of them. As they were heading towards the penthouse Luciano asked;

"What time did she leave your house, Jacob?"

"Around 30 minutes ago, are you thinking that they-"

Jacob asked but was cut by Luciano.

Act Like A Donna, Fight Like A DonWhere stories live. Discover now