A Sudden Realization: Typical Art Lacks Enough Thought

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I've been watching a documentary that was assigned for Expanded Artforms, and I just realized... that this is why artists are thought of as so... weird. The art that's being praised as amazing is sh*t (sometimes literally), and the artists are... frigging insane and make no sense. They also are not usually very smart.

And then I look at anime and fanart, and I'm just like '... wtf. Why is this not getting the attention that a naked woman covered in mud (do we not have hentai of naked women covered in mud? 'cause I think that's something we probably have. Hetero hentai is more vast than yaoi after all-), a boulder covered in fur (dude, we could easily make FURRY BOULDER CREATURES; WTF ARE YOU DRESSING AN INANIMATE BOULDER FOR WHEN YOU CAN DRESS UP A LIVING ONE--), or a man crawling across roads in front of cars as a "presentation of art" are getting???'

And I'm thinking about what I've heard the artist of the documentary (the one who covered a boulder in fur), and I'm just even more baffled because anime and fanart have so much to offer, while this artist produces just a bunch of circles and curved lines with just a few differing works (like the fur boulder), and all of it pertains to life and how it's connected. Very little variance.

Y'know, one of my classmates recently posted in response to my comment basically exactly what I said: anime has so much to offer. And I didn't reply to that because I didn't want to boast/squeal about how amazing anime is. I thought that art in general had plenty of interpretations and whatnot, that it could address as many topics as anime does, but I wasn't about to downgrade anime either.

But just now, I realized that art actually is not that vast. Now, it's important not to forget that an anime are series of images, so of course it has an advantage to hold more than one photo could. But the authors of anime address multiple, varying topics. Each anime has humor, love, daily life, and/or other things. Sure, most of them focus primarily on humans, but humans are so complex, and there are often other things addressed (i.e. Quirks, magic, life), and I learned last semester that Asian people actually tend to focus on landscapes (whereas Americans would just like-- totally examine the characters-).

Meanwhile, most artists have a specific topic that they enjoy. Now, this isn't really an issue if you vary enough in that topic. For example, if you like landscapes, you can do all sorts of landscapes in different weather, etc. If you like humans, there's plenty to play with there, even if you focus primarily on one aspect like emotions, sociability, psychology, whatever. But when you are like the artist in this documentary that repeats the same squiggly line or a million holes, that... that makes me think you lack enough thought(, or you're obsessed ... which is kinda the same thing actually-).

Like... what's so attractive about art is its differences. You don't wanna see a million of the same line, just in different materials. That can be interesting for one or two works, but... after that, it gets boring. You don't even wanna see a bunch of pictures with your favorite ship in the same pose, just different clothes! (Well... I mean, it may be interesting to play around with to see which one you like best, and if you're into clothes, you might also enjoying viewing all of them, but... well, I'd think that most people would get pretty bored after a while. ... unless you're that deprived of ship photos- I'd probably be pretty frigging grateful to get pics of NagiHaru or Ficiel regardless of whether they're all almost exactly the same--)

Now, it's also important to note that this... repetitious stuff is not because it's art. It's because of the artists. If you think about a smart but famous artist, who do you think of? Smart as in intelligent. I can think of one, and... I... forgot his name-- Van Gogh?? The guy who drew the human on a wheel or whatever-- He was really in tune with like... human anatomy, right? So that shows that he's got an area of intelligence that's higher than the average person (and that I lack knowledge of history, regardless of the topic). The people drawing fanart are probably usually kids (as in, high school or younger) because yaaay, adults don't have time-- So according to what I've seen, they're pretty average for their age.

But usually, artists aren't too smart. The smart people are in the sciences, usually. Now, maybe that's because the sciences are more likely to get rewards, and doing art doesn't really require much brain work..., but am I wrong to say that art should have more sane, intelligent people? Art has the potential to be something incredible, to do something amazing. It can bring people to intense emotions just like books can, so why aren't we seeing art change the world?

Thank you for listening to my TED Tal-- I'm sorry. That might've been because I watched a TED Talk earlier today-

By the way, feel free to argue (POLITELY!!) :3 I had some points that I... forgot-- so maybe your comments will trigger those! But even if I never remember those points, this was... not to be a rant or even a complaint, just a realization, so if you have something to say, say it (politely)!! I don't know a lot about history, ... and I am even worse in contemporary crud-- so this is based off of what I've seen in this course so far mostly. And I am willing to learn if there is hope for contemporary art yet! Just don't yell at me or insult me; I know I'm an idiot, and I don't need anyone else to tell me that :3 That's all I ask; otherwise, feel free to refute!

Also, sorry this is a mess-- Haha, even though it's not a rant or a complaint, it's kind of... organized like one-- whoops.

Okay, time to go to bed. Oh yeah, but guess what? I have a head start on what's due this week :3 so I'm hoping and praying that I'll get some writing time this week or next~!! I can't let myself get carried away though; I might not have the time to finish this stuff from Tuesday to Friday(, and there is plenty due on Wednesday and Friday). I also need to keep in mind that I... haven't even started on the presentation due next week-- Frig. Okay, so... if I get writing time, it'll probably be next week-- Just because priorities. Gotta make sure I don't... regret writing because I should've been making sure I didn't get a bunch of things to do in a small amount of time-

Yeah, so I'll be taking a look at the discussion boards each day, and I should finish the documentary tomorrow since there's only... actually, less than ten minutes now, I think. Then I have a reading, a video, the appointment, a quiz, an article with an assignment, an exit ticket, and... of course, daily Japanese from Tuesday to Friday. Then when I have all that finished, I can start on the presentation, and then I'll take a look at Module 2 for the education courses, and then... if I'm finished with that and the prep work for the presentation and nothing's up yet for the kanji course or Expanded Artforms, I'll have free time~~

(I'm so grateful to have Mondays off this semester-- Otherwise, I'd be flipping out. Okay, calm down, breathe; there's a lot to do, but I have an entire day tomorrow to work on 'em--)

Okay, now I'm going to bed.

Update: So the presentation is actually due Wednesday for no reason at all, not Friday, so consider me stressed :)))

And I was distracted on Monday because the t.v. was on, like, all day-- and on Wednesday, we went over to my grandfather's because he wasn't doing well, like, they didn't think he was gonna make it- (He's still alive, but he's definitely not doing well. I don't know why they sent him home today???) We'll be going over again tomorrow, and spending the whole day this time. (We only spent an afternoon on Wednesday.)

But... I did finish a lot already. I have 3 pages left of the article (and about half of the assignment to do), and I've started on the presentation. (I have like... three slides done? Maybe??) There was a thing posted for this week for Expanded Artforms, but it was super short (so short that I struggled with responding to it), so I already finished that. Of course, I haven't taken a look at the Module 2's for my education courses.

So... 'definitely not gonna have writing time this week, that's for sure. And who knows what I'll have due for my education courses and kanji course~ :3 I also have a stroke order (as well as other stuff) for Japanese due Wednesday, and I take way too long on those-- Frig... it's seriously 4 drills, a CC (of course), 10 Utilization Exercises, the stroke order, and an eavesdropping... homework??? That's new.... Tuesday also has-- ohh riiight, I have Mondays off this semester-- Okay, that helps calm me down a bit.--4 drills. It's been so nice lately, with only 2 drills per day, and now we suddenly get 4 drills 3 days in a row?? Wahhh...

All righty, back to burning my eyes with an article~

Wahhh, I wanna write smut-- He's Mine literally is on smut, and I'm in the mood for smut, but I caaaaan't--- wahhhhhh--- I want free time---- I need sleep---- complain, complain, complain---

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