Education Presentations Due

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It is past 4:30.

I have two presentations to complete by midnight.

That means I have... 7 hours to do so (if I hold off going to the bathroom and taking a shower until midnight).

I have too much information in the presentation that I'm supposed to record. They expect us to have an introduction, an overview, and a conclusion on top of explaining and applying three look fors in FOUR MINUTES OR LESS. This means that the introduction, overview, and conclusion should be one minute or less, and each look for should be one minute or less. I'm sorry, but can you give us a little wiggle room??? If you just made it 3-5 minutes, I think I could manage that. BUT 3-4 MINUTES??? SERIOUSLY???

I have 3 more slides to record, and I'm going to have redo some of what I've already recorded in order to cull it down. And I take a bunch of time recording things becAUSE I MESS UP EVERY SINGLE FRIGGING TIME--

Then I have 3 slides to create. Okay, it's seeming more doable now. 7 hours to record 3 slides, cull it down, create 3 slides, and submit this sh*t. But I am terrible at recording, and the last 3 slides for that other presentation... are really hard because I have to apply stuff to my future as an EDUCATOR. However, I decided a couple of weeks ago that I was GIVING THAT UP! I've been trying to go in the middle, explaining a bit of how educators could apply it and a bit of how I could apply it to my future, but now I have to apply one strength and one weakness to that.... (I chose hard-working and social skills, respectively.) I ended up being pretty vague with the weakness because I filled up the entire spot for it with that alone(, so I didn't explicitly apply it to education or my future). (Don't get me started on their f-ing format.)

But yeah... motivation is hard. I wanna write smut. I wanna look at fanart and fanfictions of Iruma x Azu-kun and Senpai. I wanna watch Mairimasita, Iruma-kun; I'm at the very end of this arc, and I need to see what Senpai does to Iruma, and I need to see everything going boom and the fireworks, and Iruma getting a reward for his amazing presentation.

And I just cannot speak, so... I'm kind of procrastinating on recording my presentation--

Whelp, wish me luck. (I'm so tired; my eyes burn--)

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