The Blame Game (and How About You Listen to Who You're Talking About?)

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The blame game is such a huge frigging problem....

My mother's mother (who I call Mamie) and stepfather (who I call PaPa) literally isolated my aunt and her family for like four years. (Literally, she told everyone else in the family not to even contact them and got angry at anyone who did.) My aunt's daughter told Mamie that if Mamie treated them like that, Mamie would never get to see her children. Then a couple years later, Mamie and my aunt are trying to patch things up (well... more like my aunt is, and Mamie is just... wanting everyone to be brainwashed like my mom), but my aunt's daughter still will not see Mamie. So Mamie blames my aunt for turning her against Mamie.

... You did that on your own just fine, b*tch.

My mom has also learned to blame others for her own faults. I get that she's forgetful, but holy cow, you won't admit that maybe you remember something wrong?? She's always like "You never told me" or "You did this," and even when we tell her that we did or did not, she won't believe us, despite the fact that we will admit if our memory of the time in question is hazy.

Then we have our frigging country. Today on the news, they were talking about some people who were saying that the U.S. embargo was the reason for Cuba's problems. A CUBAN person literally said that the U.S. embargo is not even the reason for a farmer who can't sell his crops!! He also said that quite a few people in Cuba hold up the American flag, saying 'freedom!!', and yet our own people, in our own government, are blaming US and the very government they're in for Cuban issues?!! Apparently, Cuba's own people don't agree with you!! They say that COMMUNISM is the issue!! And I do believe that the people living there would have a much better idea of what the issues are than someone who does not live there!!

It's like the whole "you're trying to prevent black people from voting by requiring state IDs!!" mess. Like, hello?? Plenty of black people have state IDs!! (I do believe my COVID vaccine required my ID to be shown as well, but I haven't heard anything about people saying that was racist!) Implying that black people DON'T have state IDs is what's racist!! They WILL tell you this!!

A state ID costs only a few dollars, right? I do believe that plenty of black people are stable enough financially that they can afford that! And plenty of white people are so poor they can't even put food on the table! I'm sure any other race is the same! If voting was so important to someone who was struggling to even eat, I'm pretty sure that most of those people wouldn't mind losing a meal for that. (Now, granted, some may be so poor that they're starving and can't AFFORD to miss a meal, but I believe that's a small population.)

And if you think that people AREN'T able to get a state ID for whatever reason, why wouldn't you want to fix that instead?? Requiring a state ID to vote is a way to ensure less fraudulent voting. That's the only intention behind that requirement.

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