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Whelp, I'm depressed now.... There was this one person that I follow that has been telling her followers to report people, and one of the people she told them to report was someone who apparently had a lot of followers and that was "sexualizing rape, pedophilia" and... something else. And I don't know; I just... I mean, I clicked the link she provided to the account to check it out, but it said the account didn't exist, so I'm guessing she succeeded in getting her followers to report the person, which is... terrifying in my opinion.

I mean, I get the whole problem with pedophilia, but for fanfiction..., I mean, the characters in our anime aren't exactly... of age most of the time.... I don't know about the rest of you, but personally, I tend to forget their age. So you know, I've written smut about Deku, and although in He's Mine, they're actually eighteen, in the others, it's less than 17. (And the age of consent is different in different countries, so although most countries have different languages, there are plenty that share a language and many, many, many people who know multiple languages, so that's something important to take into account when you're calling someone a "pedophile" when you don't even necessarily know their country of origin.)

So like... considering what I write - the filthy smut with all sorts of warnings, the characters not always being of age, plenty of non-consensual sex - what if someone like her reported me and told other people to do the same? My stories would suddenly just be... gone? Never retrievable because this is the main site I go on, and I don't have my stories backed up elsewhere? I guess I should save them onto my Drive.... That way, at least, I'll have them, and I'll be able to put them back up so that you all can access them again.... But, I sure have a lot....

I also don't think I would agree with this person in general. If someone like her saw my complaints about politics, I don't doubt that she'd report me for that alone..., and thus tell others to do the same, claiming that I was racist or something.... (Despite that I have an African American friend [I haven't had many friends in the past, nor am I in an area where there are a lot of African Americans, so that's why it's only one, not including the friend I used to have that... broke it off with me.] and actually had an African American crush when I was younger [actually, that African American was my first crush, in fact].) Now, I will admit that I might be a little more cautious about an African American that's a stranger as opposed to any other race, but that's an initial cautiousness. Once I get to know the person a little better and get along with them, that cautiousness is gone unless something else raises a flag (or unless I ponder mentioning political topics). (Of course, if I get flags once I start communicating with the person, that cautiousness will remain and potentially increase.)

It's worth mentioning that I would have the same initial caution according to certain attires. But you know, I don't think African Americans are any less capable than whites or any other race. So I guess... my caution is more of a stereotype thing. I'm not racist. I really like(d) the two African American friends I've had/have, and the African American friend I have today is just like me (with the only difference I can see is that she struggles a bit more in school than I do, simply because I'm a little above average ... and so she's probably better in social skills than I am as well--). I also really respect Martin Luther King Jr. more than... actually, more than any other historical figure I know except Jesus. So... yeah, although I tend to worry about that..., by talking this out, I have realized that I most definitely am not racist. Have a stereotype against African Americans, sure, but not racist. And I'm... not exactly a big stereotype person, like I fully understand that there are lots and lots of exceptions to generalities. So I guess that's why my stereotype is easily broken. So it's not a strong stereotype, I guess.... ... That makes me feel a lot better about myself-- The more I think about it, the more I realize that I really am not racist.

But anyway, ignore me rambling on and talking things out to myself lol. Personally, I just don't know how someone could tell their followers to report someone unless you were absolutely sure that this person was a terrible person that was just... completely poisoning the community here. Making no positive contributions. Wouldn't be missed.

You know, there was a person that she told her followers to report that I agreed with her, that it was a toxic account. Reading the profile was enough proof for me. This person was clearly rude and just... was not willing to listen to anyone who disagreed. S/he would call people "r*tards" just because they were trans, disagreed with her/him, etc., and I mean... the LGBT+ people I know (... honestly, actually, everyone I know--) struggle enough with depression and whatnot on their own, so I know that it would just... really destroy them for anyone to be so rude to them. So I went ahead and reported that person myself. (I was pleasantly surprised to find that to report someone, you had to classify and describe the offense.)

But I would not tell my followers to report that person. After all, that person has followers and is an rp-er, and although I wouldn't be the type of person to enjoy rp-ing with that person, clearly, others do. So rather than spreading the hate on this person, I would rather just silently put my 2 cents in, and if enough people are directly frustrated by this person, then they will be removed. It'd probably be a better practice to just block them though.... Although I don't know if I told my followers to block this person (because if you're my follower, you probably aren't the type of person to want to interact with that person either), if they would just block them or if they would actually report them instead....

And it's also depressing to see all the hate on Kacchan and Aizawa in the beginning chapters of He's Mine, and people were being rude to me for giving grammar comments and the like to someone who'd asked for them. That person (for once [and I mean that as, usually when people reply rudely to my grammar comments, for once, the author that requested my help, not this specific author]) stood up for me, but it seems as though all of those comments were deleted, and I'm just... I hope that person decided to save my comments somewhere before deleting them so they can review them later.... Otherwise, what did I spend so much time for? Why did I try so hard to help them? (Also, frig, now I don't know where I am in the book-- I also wonder if the person wants me to continue my grammar comments or not....)

So, uh... yeah. Depressing... I just hate negativity. It's as simple as that....

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