Skills and Subjects for Job Training???

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As you may (but most likely do not considering that I think the only time I mentioned it was in a post that didn't notify my followers) know, I am tutoring this semester, which means I'm employed by UMSL. So, I am going through a... uh... actually, I have no idea what it is. There's training I'll be doing (one of which I've already done like three times as a student) on this website, but before I do that, I have to... "choose areas and subjects of interest to [me]. Based on [my] selections, Percipio will create a custom list of resources. This list will become the basis for your personalized homepage, so you can always discover new and relevant content."

So, from the email (ignoring the grammatical mistakes), I'm thinking "oh cool! It'll have little training things that I can go through to improve skills focusing on jobs! And then subjects for the type of job! I doubt I'll have the time to go through them this semester, but maybe they'll still be up during the summer?" You know, like things that'll actually be useful for the rest of my life?

Yeah, no.

WTF am I looking at???!!!!

All right, so (ALL of the) skills (recommending you choose 3 or more):


-Aspire Journeys for Business Skills

-Aspire Journeys for Leadership

-Aspire Journeys for Technology & Developer

-Business Operations

-Cloud Services

-Customer Service


-Digital Transformation

-Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion


-Infrastructure & Operations

-Leadership Development Program powered by MIT SMR

-Live Training




-Product Management


-Productivity & Collaboration Tools

-Professional Improvement


-Product Management

-Sales & Marketing


-Skillsoft Bootcamps

-Skillsoft Leadercamps

-Skillsoft's The Edge Podcast

-Software Craft

Can someone please tell me WTF some of these things are??? Like "Digital Transformation" or the Skillsoft crud??? And how these are SKILLS???

And if I'm from UMSL, is "UMSL" a required thing or not???

Well, after picking three that I thought I somewhat understood, I realized that the subjects aren't like "tutoring," "foreign language," or what have you. No, no, no, they're sub-categories of the "skills." And some of the "skills" only have one subject to begin with.

So I clicked all of the skills to see what we got (because the subjects are a lot easier to frigging understand). Here's all of 'em (format is Skill: Subject, Subject):

-UMSL: UMSL-Diversity Equity and Inclusion (Wtf, you already have that as a SKILL.)

-Aspire Journeys for Business Skills: Business Skills

-Aspire Journeys for Leadership: Leadership Mindsets, Leadership Transitions

-Aspire Journeys for Technology & Developer: Cloud, IT Ops, Programming

-Business Operations: Business Planning & Analysis, Finance, Human Resources, Process Improvement (so we have process improvement, product improvement, project improvement - any more we need to add?)

-Cloud Services: Cloud Basics, Cloud Development, Cloud Platforms, Cloud Security, Internet of Things (... wtf is "Internet of Things." Wtf.)

-Customer Service: Customer Service: Core Concepts & Methods

-Data: Big Data (PFKKT!), Business Intelligence, Data Analytics, Data Architectures, Database Development, Data Core Concepts, Data Platforms, Data Science, Data Security, Data Visualization & Reporting

-Digital Transformation: Agility for Digital Transformation, Data Science, Digital Experiences, Digital Marketing & Communications, Digital Soft Skills Competencies, Essentials of Digital Transformation, Virtual Work

-Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (with subjects separated by semicolons instead of commas): Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; Leading Diversity, Equity & Inclusion; Unconscious Bias


-Infrastructure & Operations: Client & Server Administration, DevOps IT, IT Services, IT Trends, Network Operations

-Leadership Development Program powered by MIT SMR: Leading the Business, Leading Yourself, Leading Your Team

-Live Training: Live Training

-Management: Business Execution, Business Strategy, Leadership Essentials, Management Essentials, Team Management

-Performance: Performance

-Perspectives: 2020 Case Studies, 2020 Mainstage Keynotes, 2020 Product Sessions (I thought this would be about, y'know, perspectives, but now I'm not so sure.)

-Product Management: Product Management Skills

-Productivity: Tools

-Productivity & Collaboration Tools: Browsers & Operating Systems, Collaboration, Design, Microsoft Office, Productivity Tools (... so basically the same thing as the ENTIRE skill above?)

-Professional Improvement: Business Communication, Individual Professional Performance, Personal Accountability, Personal Productivity, Self-Discovery, Well-Being, Working and Learning Together From Home

-Programming: Developer Tools, Microservices, Mobile Development, Programming Languages, Secure Programming, Web Development

-Product Management: Project Management Core Concepts, Project Management Methods

-Sales & Marketing: Corporate Communications, Corporate Marketing, Customer Success, Product Marketing, Salesforce & Channel Management, Selling Skills

-Security: Information Security, Security Operations

-Skillsoft Bootcamps: Business Continuity Planning Bootcamps, Cloud Services Bootcamps, Data Bootcamps, IT Ops, Project Management Bootcamps, Security Bootcamps, Software Developer Bootcamps, Virtual Training

-Skillsoft Leadercamps: Advancing Women in the Workplace (Frig you; we don't need help climbing the ladder.)

-Skillsoft's The Edge Podcast: Podcast Episode Menu

-Software Craft: DevOps, Emerging Tech, Software Architectures, Software Dev Practices

... Yep, still don't know wtf to expect from some of these. This is why we need explanations of this crud - like a little Q mark we can click on or something.

But also, the creators of this need to get their crud together. They have repeated topics; why don't they just combine those like a normal, logical person would??

Well, at least by doing this, I have some things that interest me.

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