Wattpad Improvement List

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I will be adding to this list as I remember things.... Excuse my frustration.

-Enable us to like comments

-Search for stories properly. If I search up keywords, I WANT THOSE FRIGGING KEYWORDS! I WANT A STORY TITLED THAT! THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON THAT I SHOULD BE FINDING STORIES THAT HAVE ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT I SEARCHED FOR UNLESS I'M GOING FAR, FAR DOWN THE LIST OF RESULTS!! So, that means that if I search up "I Want You to Love Me," I want first, stories called that exactly. Then, there might be stories like "I Want You" or even "You Love Me." But not things that literally do not have a single word that I searched up, like "HIS (completed)" or "The Hound." If I get things that have nothing to do with what I searched up, why do we have a search engine in the first place??

-Being able to search through a specific author's works (including searching for your own drafts and none of your published works, so like... being able to search for keywords, tags, drafts vs published vs complete, etc....)

-Having filters in the search engine. We should have the ability to search for parts in 5 increments instead of 10. We should have the ability to add our own tags rather than clicking on one from the few that are recommended. And we should have more filters, like maybe genre??? Because that makes sense when you're searching for a frigging book???

-If you're going to put a Main Characters section in the Story Details..., WHY CAN'T THE READERS SEE THAT??? And having a filter for those characters would be nice (as in, being able to search for a story by characters). Even if that won't be very helpful for original works, it will be VERY helpful for fanfiction considering that you can't search for a fanfiction of a specific fandom.

-Give us another genre spot. This would be for stories that are of two genres and for fanfiction.

-BULLET POOOOIIIINTS----- They're easier on the eyes, and when you're listing things (i.e. like this chapter, listing warnings, in an explanation, in your personal notes, etc....), it's very useful. (By the way, when you copy and paste from Google Docs to Wattpad, it actually does keep bullet points. ... Not sure if it keeps indented bullet points.)

- 1. Have only detached comments at the bottom of a chapter. 2. Stop detaching comments from their paragraphs just because you change it. If the paragraph is entirely deleted, I GET THAT! But if I change one little thing or even if I change most of the paragraph..., I still want a record of "hey! This comment comes from this paragraph!!" I love that you can comment on paragraphs, but ghoul darn it, the bottom comment section is a mess....

-Enable us to see when the author had last done something on the story rather than just when they posted the most current chapter.... Also, when each chapter was posted. So like, at the top or bottom of each chapter, it'd have a date of being published, and then at the bottom of the most current chapter, where it currently says last updated, it would have the date that the author last did something (whether that was updating a former chapter or working on the current draft). [The author can now see when each chapter was last updated from the editing story page, but we can't see when it was originally posted unless that was the last time it was edited.]

-Rather than deleting stories entirely, Wattpad could just disable them from publishing any parts of that story! And then if they try to publish a part, it'll have a notification like "This story has been disabled because it does not follow Wattpad guidelines. If you feel this is a mistake or have edited your story to follow the guidelines, please contact Wattpad at blah blah blah." This means that the author (and Wattpad) can save and access their story and comments, but it's still inaccessible to any other account. It also adds a sure-fire way of notifying people rather than being like "ummm... I can't find my story.... Ma-Masaka... Was it deleted?!!!!"

-Being able to see our Draft stories. On the My Stories page, the default tab is Published, meaning stories that aren't drafts. Then the other tab is All Stories, meaning published stories AND drafts. But I'd like a tab for just Drafts, too.

-Along with that, it might be nice to have an organization thingy in there, too. Like, the stories in the Published tab are organized from last published to first published - in other words, they're organized by the date that the first chapter was published. Then in All Stories, the stories are organized by last changed - in other words, the last time the story had a new part added or published. But I usually prefer last updated - as in, organized by the last time I worked on something. The Last Published organization style works nice for a static (unchanging) list though. So maybe next to the tabs, there's a little draw-down thingy or whatever where you click on it, and it gives you options of how your stories are organized. It might be good to have a little question mark or something that you can click on to reach an explanation of those organization styles.

-Being able to bold/etc. multiple paragraphs at a time. This drives me absolutely nuts because I put my author's notes in bold, so I often have to bold multiple paragraphs at once. When you're doing a flashback, it's the same thing for Italics.

... (sighs) It's back... to being terrible.... The search engine, I mean.... When I search up "I want you to love me," I don't get my story called that; I get some random stories like "#1 ELIJAH |18+" and "HIS (completed)" and a paid story called "The Hound".... Then when I search "I Want You to Love Me" (which is capitalized how mine is) and put the filter of 1-10 parts, I find a story called "I want you to love me." It's something about "a letter to Todoroki," apparently, but I'm looking for a Hideneki story.... Mine is still not here in the results, despite that I typed my exact story's title in the search engine.... So now that is on this list. Whyyyyy did they go back to that...? I thought it was fixed!!

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