Stop Assuming Thoughts and Feelings

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We need to stop assuming things about people already, to stop judging people so quickly.

My art professor was just like "that [placing the student's "art," which was a thing with a bunch of print outs of middle fingers that turned with the wind, in the yard] would not go in my neighborhood. Like, my neighbor has a Buddha statue in their yard, and the other day, I saw someone staring at it, and I was like 'c'mon, kid,'" like, implying that the kid was discriminating against religion or something (and likely damaging his opinion of the kid). I'm sorry, but f*ck you, motherf*cker. You don't know wtf that kid was thinking. If I see a Buddha statue, I stop to take a look because the differences in the Buddha statues interests me. In other words, I'm appreciating the individuality of the statue. How do you know that the kid was 1. looking at the Buddha statue specifically, and 2. thinking it was weird or something.

I've probably said this before, but I hate when people assume what I'm thinking or feeling. It drives me nuts, especially if they continue to say whatever they thought when I have told them that that was not the case. Asking someone or that kind of hesitant "maybe X is the case" kind of thing is different. What drives me nuts is when people assert their assumptions about another's thoughts and feelings. If you're talking about someone else's thoughts or feelings, don't say it like it's definitely true unless that person told you that's what they thought/felt.

I repeat: F you, professor. And the little brat obsessed with the f word (the girl who made the middle finger project).

All right, thank you for listening to (reading) my rant of a Ted Talk. Time for me to eat lunch and then take a nap because I fell asleep at two last night.

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