Respect Depends on Actions, Not Age/Age is No Excuse for Being Rude

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Longer title: my mom needs to read the lesson on actions affecting respect (luckily, she will - or rather, I'll read it to her. I just hope she'll actually take the lesson to heart--)

Background: I sent a photo of my schedule to Mamie (and my mother). It clearly states Jan 16, Jan 17, etc. at the top, but I didn't realize that was the first week of school.

My text to Mamie (and my mother): I'm sorry; I didn't realize that was the first week, so Monday's off for Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I'll send a full week's schedule when I can.

Mamie's response: When is your first week back?

me (baffled): ... (to my parents) Hah, does she not read my texts?

my parents: What?

me: (explains the situation)

Mom: Well, she's old. She deserves respect just like Aunt Joan.

me: ... Why is that your excuse for her being rude/dumb/etc.?

Like seriously, every time I point out something stupid Mamie does (really just because I'm baffled silly, not because I'm being rude or whatever), mom gets all defensive and says "She's old" like that f*cking explains the behavior like what??? I don't get it.

And I am reminded of the scene in Impractical Jokers (which I don't own, obviously) where one of the guys (Murr, I do believe) is telling this kid about when he can be racist, and the people around him are like "no, there's never a time when it's okay to be racist." Like, BEING OLD IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR BEING RUDE AND INHUMANE!!!

Let me read my lesson for Mailman's Deku to you: RESPECT DEPENDS ON ACTIONS!!! Like yes, I agree that elders deserve a higher BASE respect level. But Mamie's trash. For many, many reasons. One of which is that she's always been creepy to me, and the main reason is that SHE CUT MY AUNT'S FAMILY OFF FROM THE REST OF THE FAMILY!!! For years, we weren't allowed to speak to any of them!! And even now, they won't invite them to our holiday parties!!! She LOST her respect, at least as a grandmother. She separated the family, so she's not family. Simple. You can't say that old people can do whatever they want just because they're old.

... This was supposed to be somewhat funny like "wtf, haha, Impractical Jokers knows better than you--" but it ended up as an actual rant. ... Oops-

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