Fall Break! - But Not Really: It'll be Full of Homework!

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This is kind of a complaint (bordering on rant), but more of just a list of what's going on with me right now and me trying to motivate myself to get it all done.

It's officially my Fall Break! (Finally; my school's Fall Break comes way too late-- It has 13 weeks in school before Fall Break and then only 3 weeks (including Finals!) after Fall Break before Winter Break!!)

However :)))

I have 14 drawings to do, 2 value scales to do (btw, 10 of the drawings and the value scales are in charcoal or ink, which :) I suck at), over 99 pages to read, a Japanese script to edit, a paper to finish and edit, a prototype game to iterate (which basically means to playtest, revise, and repeat), and a million boring videos to watch for Drawing. (I don't think I'll get to the Drawing videos. They don't even offer much, so why would I waste my time?)

8 of the drawings, the pages to read, and the videos for drawing are all catch-up work. (Because I'm a good student, so even though I didn't finish them on time..., I still want to finish them. [Plus, I'm pretty sure we'll have a test in Languages and World Views soon, so I want to make sure I actually know the content, and the stuff in HMG is useful for my playtesting, and I think... my professor is waiting for me to finish those 8 drawings because I asked for an extension, and he has not yet graded that assignment, and I used my other Google account to check if anyone could access the Google Folder I submitted, and I could, so...])

This is, however, not counting studying Japanese :) So yups, I guess this is another break in which I won't get around to doing that, so wish me luck in remembering everything when I return from break!

Oh yeah, technically, the Japanese script is due... sometime after break, and the paper, too, but... the Japanese script is due WITH a video I have to record, and the paper might be due the first week back. So yes, I'd like to get to both of this during the break.... They shouldn't be too bad, anyway. They're both about Kacchan and the rest, so it's interesting, and I like writing, so.

Currently, my schedule has 11 pages per day and at least one drawing each day, but... well, we all know how great I am at following plans :) Plus, it's really frigging hard not to just throw myself into Harvest Moon for a million hours (or some other fun activity that I'd fully enjoy).... Luckily, I have been able to resist the temptation to do that so far, but...

Well, I did read the Drawing Assignment and watch 2 videos (6 pages total) already, so as long as I keep that momentum... All right; let's get back to work; we can do this!! (But I might have to sacrifice all of free time in order to do this....)

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