Wattpad: Last Updated and Me: Horrible at Updating

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I wish we were able to see when the author had last done something on the story rather than just when they posted the most current chapter.... Also, when each chapter was posted. So like, at the top or bottom of each chapter, it'd have a date of being published, and then at the bottom of the most current chapter, where it currently says last updated, it would have the date that the author last did something (whether that was updating a former chapter or working on the current draft).

Because like... I have such long periods... between chapters..., but I wish that people'd know that I don't like... completely abandon my stories. I go back to some from time to time. I recently added to a couple of Hideneki stories in the past few weeks, and I only finished one chapter of one of those. It's not like all I've been doing is schoolwork, sleep, playing video games, and posting random crud. I actually did get some work done.... I just didn't get much posted....

On that note, I know a lot of people really like He's Mine, and um... I think that one's draft is a good size; I'm just looking for a good spot to end the chapter.

I know that I'm... really bad at going through with plans and finishing things (apparently a symptom of ADHD, which explains a lot), but... I hope you all can bear with me ,>///<, I'm trying my best! (cough) I've been taking a lot of shortcuts in my Drawing course-- (cough)

Although... (looks at my three drawings due this week that I've barely even started on and my mini-lesson project due in two weeks, also barely started on) Uh, yeah, I predict... being quite busy... for a while.... I wanted to read the two academic articles for my mini-lesson this week.... I really should've started on them earlier.... (sighs)

Whelp, I should get to bed.... 'Night!

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