Examples for Lesson Plans

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My head hurts-- It started hurting earlier, but then it got better, but now it's back full-force--

Coming up with good examples for lesson plans is hard.... I ended up using some paragraphs from some essays that I'd written my Senior year, but even the best two... are just terrible- I edited them quite a bit to make them better, but now... I have to come up with some random topic sentence, a supporting quote or evidence, and... ah. .. my long outline for my research paper would be perfect for that-- I'll check it. I wanted some vague examples so that the students could imagine it was something they were interested in, but... eh. I already included a paragraph about mental institutions for them to read (and another about a woman doing a 180 and brutally killing her husband), so... the students'll have to deal with my mental institution topic already, so rather than racking my brain (THAT'S the word I was trying to think of the other day!!! [Geez, I really was brain-dead then; I'd come up with the word and hadn't even recognized it!!]) for some evidence and a claim that's supported by it, I'll just... go with something in my outline (which is literally just a collection of claims and quotes that support them because I was making a list of quotes I might use).

Yay... (head drops onto computer) But I'm still exhausted.... So hard to motivate myself when I just-- can't even think. Like, my head's all foggy... because I've been thinking too hard....

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