Romanticizing Fiction

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Romanticize is a verb that means "deal with or describe in an idealized or unrealistic fashion; make (something) seem better or more appealing than it really is."

... Is that really such a bad thing in fiction? To make something better?

On Ghoul Friends, Not Ghoul Slaves!, I just got a comment that said I was romanticizing slavery. About a week ago, someone said I was romanticizing something else with a comment on someone else's story. So I thought maybe I ought to look up the definition to make sure I was denying correctly. I stand by my decision with my comment, but with Ghoul Friends, Not Ghoul Slaves!..., it's kind of like a "what if some silly, compassionate kids were given slaves?" It wouldn't be so bad for Kaneki and Dragon, who have been treated horribly since birth. The Hide twins could show Kaneki and Dragon that there are good people in the world, even if they themselves are a little... unorthodox.

Slavery is a bad thing, and most of my stories with it are pretty clear on that (even Ghoul Friends, Not Ghoul Slaves! because they're an exception in that story, and contrast with Kaneki and Dragon's former owners). I'm His Property, with the comment section in mind, may tread the line a little too much, but I try to make it clear that although Deku has accepted it and some Masters (like Momo) do treat their slaves well, being a slave is still a bad situation. (The slave that got hit in the Slaves Festival is an example of a very unhappy slave, and we also have Rick and the others in Deku and Kacchan's protest. In addition, we have our ASASO members fighting against slavery, so we really have a wide range of situations in that.)

I often pair Ghoul Friends, Not Ghoul Slaves! with You're My Best Friend, Not My Master, and the latter especially shows how terrible slavery can get. With the gruesome images in that one, how can someone honestly say that I romanticize slavery? Sure, some people do like it, but that's consensual slavery, completely different from most slavery in real life and in my stories.

I guess the person that commented either didn't read any of my other stories or was just trying to get a response out of me.... I really don't get that.

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