Visual and Urgency as Racist Qualities

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White supremacist qualities now include "[...] wanting things to be written down [...] and [...] possessing a sense of urgency."

Okay, I'm sorry, but wanting things to be written down is a trait of someone who's visual, which most people are. It's also so that people can refer back to what was said. So what the f does this have to do with race at all??? Is it supposed to imply that non-whites can't read and thus wouldn't want things to be written down?? But I personally think it's actually racist to assume non-whites can't read -- at least nowadays. Most people can read in their native language, I would think. However, for those who are illiterate, having it drawn is an alternative that suffices the same concept. So the argument that wanting things to be written down is "white supremacy" falls apart. If you're talking about wanting a record, that just means the person feels insecure about authorities/etc. - which can also be anyone, white, black, or anything else.

Now, time flexibility is not the opposite of urgency. While different people may or may not be flexible about time, having a set time to start something is helpful (due dates, for example), especially if you have multiple people involved (a meeting). It gives you a specific point to do something, and being late to that is inconvenient to others. Liking set times or being early to late is not the same thing as urgency though. Urgency is a need to do something ASAP. Which you want when, say, someone is hurt. What if hospital workers or those in ambulances had no sense of urgency? People would die. So urgency is not always bad. But again, it has nothing to do with racism. Time flexibility may have something to do with cultural differences, but not urgency. Urgency is related to lateness which is related to time flexibility, but ultimately, urgency, earliness, and time flexibility are all needed at different times.

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