This Week on "Oh Frig"...

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You know, I was feeling somewhat okay yesterday because I submitted my Japanese script a day early. ... And then today I realize that not only do I have a stroke order due today, but tomorrow, I have a quiz and a VoiceThread due. ... I have not started on either of those. In addition to that, of course, is daily Japanese: 1 CC, 4 drills, 10 UEs, supplemental vocab, and a reading quiz.

Then Thursday, I have to evaluate my peers' scripts and complete a quiz. (Dictation quizzes aren't too bad; I finish 'em pretty quick.) So that's nice that I don't have class, at least, but eggghh, peer editing-- On Friday, I have a CC, 4 drills, 2 AEs (that I probably won't do considering what else I have to do), Writing Homework, and then... a discussion board for EA (yaaay... ugh).

Yet I still have not finished reading the assigned pages of LLK from last week.

Nor have I started on the Script for my KARA Final Project that is due this Saturday. With another VoiceThread.

And then on Sunday, I have to reply to at least 3 of my classmates' presentations, and what would you know? All of the classmates in my group listened to my stupid professors when she recommended PowerPoint, saying that everyone could access it (despite that that's not true; I cannot access it because I have a CHROMEBOOK). My dad found a roundabout way for me to access the audio on PowerPoint, but... it's on my phone, and I have to download the presentations onto an app (that I've never used). So I'm not looking forward to that. (Honestly, I might just read their presentations instead. I told my professors that I could not access PowerPoint audio, hence why they had to put their PowerPoint into a VoiceThread, so frig them. I take too long on peer evaluations any way.)

And who knows what'll be due that week.

But all right, doing the math helps me calm down sometimes. Let's see... right now it is 3:30. So I'll probably be returning to work around 4. I do have to take a showe-...

I have to actually go to school tomorrow. ... Wonderful-

r tonight, so that means I'll be working from 4 to 9 or 10, roughly speaking. So 5 hours, theoretically.

Then tomorrow, I will get up early, probably only spend about an hour on something other than Japanese before I leave school. So then I'll be home by... I don't know what time I get home anymore. We'll say 6. It'll be that time or earlier, I know. So 6 until... we'll say that I'll be pushing off the bathroom until midnight.

Oh. Right. I have to eat....

So that means 4 hours today, and... 5 hours tomorrow. ... 9 hours total to... finish my Stroke Order and complete the quiz and VoiceThread. ... I'm about... I'm almost halfway through the Stroke Order; how many slides does this VT have? Eeh, 33. Okay, could it be worse. About... 6 of those are probably stroke order slides.

So... hrmmn... Let's say the quiz'll take me an hour to prep and then complete. Then the stroke order... let's push that to last priority because we can... somewhat become quicker at that if necessary. Okay, so... VT would take... etto... Stroke Orders probably take me an hour or so. Each component probably takes me an hour or so. So... Since there are 4 components for this VT, probably around 5 hours, we'll say. ... That leaves me with 3 hours to complete the stroke order. Okay, okay; we can do this-- We'll leave updating Anki to... like, Sunday or Monday, so we can do this-- It might be down to the wire, but it's doable.... Time to get to work (rolls up sleeves)


Scratch that; I'm an idiot; the Stroke Order's due tonight.

But I actually finished the VT (excluding one character's stroke order) in a little over an hour, so that's good to know. (Then again, I wasn't writing notes on some of the characters because they were already taught, so... 33 slides would probably usually take me about 2 hours. A lot less time than I thought though, so.)

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