First Project in 2D Design, Due Five Days After it's Assigned

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I'm sorry, but can someone PLEASE tell me why the frig most professors are so stupid???

My art professor JUST posted the first assignment. It is to cut strips so that they're 9" x 1/4" and glue/tape them onto paper in a design. Now this is cool and all, certainly going to be interesting to try, but it's due TUESDAY. And he was very clear that our projects need to be very neat, precisely cut, etc.. I'm sorry, but I SUCK at cutting! To expect me to cut a rectangle that's only a fourth of an inch wide?!!! WTF???!!!! I can't even cut in a straight frigging line!!!

And this is supposed to be, like, the first/second course in the program!! (The first is technically Expanded Artforms, in which we worked with uncommon materials like trash. No one in my class thought to cut and use thick paper, so... I'm sorry, but I wouldn't expect straight cutting from most.)

I am so glad that I only have one more syllabus to read and nothing else I need to get done until Monday because FRIG. Five days to cut meticulously straight lines?!!! And then tape them onto a paper in an interesting design?!!! If I had my usual schedule, I'd be doomed!!! Ohh, I'm so worried about when I start Anime Nation.... I've heard it's got a lot of work....

And we learned about what materials we need on Tuesday. So that was two days ago. So I don't have most of my materials yet. BECAUSE HIS DUMB BUTT DIDN'T FRIGGING TELL THE CAMPUS STORE ABOUT WHAT FRIGGING MATERIALS WE NEED. LIKE WTF????! I get that maybe he'll be adding on some materials, but having even half of our materials all ready to go for us is a lot easier than having to look for an entire list!! It has, like, 20 items!! LITERALLY!!

We have pencils (because apparently, we wouldn't have pencils), like, 3 pads of different kinds - I'm sorry, 5 pads of different kinds of paper, a specific kind of ruler, (double-sided) tape or glue, more tape, an x-acto knife, good scissors, a specific kind of eraser, a cutting mat, 8 tubes of gouache, containers for art supplies, a palette, paint brushes, paper towels (because apparently we wouldn't have those lol), and even a frigging textbook. So let's see... excluding the obvious things like pencils, scissors, and paper towels, that is... 26 things. ... 26 frigging things we have to search for because my professor's incompetent.

And I thought the other art professor was bad.... He at least had SOME level of organization. This guy's just kinda like "okay, here you go."

The lesson to learn from all of this: I'm going to need to half-butt this. No perfection, no self-doubt, no thinking up every possible thing I can think of and choosing what I think is best.

Oh, and he wants perfection, but despite that this course is supposed to use a variety of media, we'll mostly be sticking to cutting & gluing/taping and painting. Both of which I suck at :3

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