Just Me Thinking Through Why I was Banned from CR...

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I really, really hate... having character limits. So that's why I'm putting this here instead of on my MB....

I, uh... have been banned from CrunchyRoll apparently.... I can no longer like comments, and... I'm assuming I can't comment either then.... At least I can still watch anime on it...? I think... At least it's short - it'll end tomorrow.


Oookay, apparently, you should be warned first, but... (... Maybe I should check my email; do they warn you on your email and not the CR website itself...? Umm... okay, I don't see anything in my email either....)


Okay, it doesn't sound like I've trespassed upon 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7.... Apparently, there are points you gather for commenting...? I don't know what those would be used for though.... Now on Comments policy...

Oh hey, apparently, you should never mention something that happens in a future episode in the comment section.... And here people yell at those who use the Spoiler tag for things on the current episode, saying that the Spoiler tag should only be used for things that are in future episodes/chapters.... (scoffs) I'll be sure to mention this next time I see one of those comments because I've been second-guessing myself about marking things as spoiler....

Forums...? I don't think I've done anything on forums...?

... They really should notify you why the f you're being banned.... I have absolutely no idea why I've been banned.... I mean, yeah, I comment a lot, but... it implies that as long as they are not the same or similar things, that's not spamming. And to my memory, I don't comment similar things (although I do continued-comments), but I've seen others that comment similar things on similar threads.... Unfortunately though, there isn't a list of your comments on your account, just a number, and... unfortunately, when you refresh an episode of HxH after getting to the ending song, it starts it over, and so then you can no longer tell what episode you've watched unless you go back to the end and let it play for a few seconds... which is kind of a pain, especially to check every single comment you've written....

But why would I be banned from liking comments...? That doesn't make any sense to me....

I suppose I ought to just ask what I was banned for.... I'll have to remember to check my email though, I guess.

... Awhhh, frig... this classification-of-question thing... I'm so bad at this.... Is it General?? Membership?? Account/Login???

Now I have to do Problem Type.... Frig. Uhhh... what is the difference between Problem Unclear and Other...?? I'll just... do... other...? Idfk...

Then just so I have this for reference, in case I have absolutely no idea what they're talking about when they reply lol:

I would just like to know why I was banned today. It's a short ban, but I'd appreciate knowing what I did wrong so that I can avoid it in the future. I did read over the Site Rules, but I can't figure out what I did wrong.

Something I looked at also said that I should get a warning first (unless you're going on a rampage)? I looked in my email, too, but I can't find anything like that..., so if you could tell me where to find that as well, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

Okay... yeah, I think that's all I can say about that, so Submit! ... Okay, now I hope that I will remember to check my email sometime later today.... But for now..., I should either go to the bathroom or clean.... I feel okay (to move around) now, so I would like to get started on cleaning, but... my babies (dogs) will be lonely, and I really have to go to the bathroom.... (clears throat awkwardly) Whelp... I guess I ought to-- I forgot to go upstairs, get dressed, and brush my teeth.... Frig. ... Whelp, I guess I'll go to the bathroom first, then hopefully I'll remember to get dressed and brush my teeth....

... Stupid Wi-fi keeps going in and out....

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