The Maids...

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I hate the maids. They come every two weeks, I guess, and it frustrates me every time.... It's all stressful because they're coming, and then they make the house stink and mess up our stuff. Yesterday, it seemed like the maid had tried to make a frigging artwork with our frigging toiletries. Christian's yucky bottle of whatever it is and his lip balm were on my itchy cream, and everything was pushed back into the corner like a frigging display. I cannot handle that. I literally did not brush my teeth yet because of it. This is why I asked my father to fix it last night.

I can handle a little mess-up, and I can barely tolerate the maids putting some of my stuff near some of my brother's nasty things, but EVERYTHING WAS TOUCHING, AND CHRISTIAN'S THINGS WERE LITERALLY ON TOP OF MINE!!! I usually just bear with things being in my area, and when I get sick of them (if they aren't moved quickly enough), I can bear with touching the stuff to push it away from my things. But everything was together; there was no room to just push things away, and some of the stuff literally could not be pushed in the first place because they were on top of something!!

I mean, ghoul darn it, I hate the maids. It's a waste of $100 - yes, ONE HUNDRED FRIGGING DOLLARS JUST TO DO A HALF-*SSED, DISORGANIZED JOB!! AND THAT'S NOT EVEN INCLUDING THE FRIGGING TIP MY MOTHER ALWAYS GIVES THOSE BRATS!! - and it actually does more harm than good in my opinion. The stress, the stench, and the disorganization versus some vacuuming (which we could do ourselves just fine), doing the trash (which my mom wants me to do before they come anyway, and they used to not replace the frigging bag), some dusting (which, that's actually kind of nice because me and my mom are allergic to dust), SOMETIMES!! cleaning the inside of the microwave (which shouldn't be very hard, so I wouldn't mind doing that for a couple of bucks), and cleaning some surfaces (which, mopping the floors is nice [although this is just as inconsistent as cleaning the microwave], but I'd rather clean the counters myself. I don't like cleaning, especially with cleaning supplies, but they do it half-a**ed, and I'd actually do a thorough job, moving the things to one side, cleaning the empty side, moving everything to the other side, cleaning the rest, and finally, putting everything back where they were to the best of my ability).

So... I would probably do that for, respectively, about $5 for the whole house (although the stairs... the stairs are hard; I don't think I could do that...), another $5, $5 for the whole house excluding my room (because... my room would be really hard to dust because I have stuff on display everywhere--), honestly? a dollar, and maybe... ~$15 just because there are a lot of surfaces. So in total, that is approximately... 5+5+5+15= $30.

And if we really wanted the maids to do what I don't like doing... $3 (vacuuming the stairs, although my father has no problem doing this) + $5 (dusting) + ~$15 - wait... no, they do cleaning half-*ssed, so... $10 instead. That would then be... $18 total. But they mess everything up and stress us out, so then... they're worth approximately $10 to me. (That's around the average, I do believe, of my mother's tip.) So that means we're pretty much wasting $100.

Okay, I feel better now that I've gotten all that out. (And I really think I'd like to do some of the crud that they do.... I want to save up so that we can go to Japan....)

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