This Week on College Sucks -w- ~

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I wanna wriiiiite--

But I have 5 CCs, 4 Drills, 15 UEs, and a Writing Quiz due tomorrow-- I already did the UEs and 3 of the drills (although I'll have to refresh in the morning) though, so that's good. Also tomorrow though, I have - wait... oh. Oh, I don't have my education zooms tomorrow-- Haha, oops. That's next week that I'll have to study some Japanese the night before....

Okay, so... But I do have an 11 page article that I was supposed to read by yesterday (I've read one page) that I have to answer questions on by Saturday. In addition, I have a VoiceThread to watch and write notes on (with a digital stroke order to complete) and an assignment overview to read (not too bad at all) on Saturday, and I should update my Anki deck then, too.

Then Sunday, I should have 5 hours of my agency hours done, so... that'll be an hour of coming up with writing games, lesson plans, and the sort.

Next week is my Japanese midterm and Language Week, and I'd like to go to this one hour-long event, at least, since it can count for extra credit. But I also have FACT Notes and a Stroke Order sheet due on Tuesday.

Then... on Wednesday, we have daily Japanese as usual, but it's on-campus, so I'll be waking up at 5 a.m. and sleeping during transit. I also have an hour-long appointment, and I don't know what's due for Kanji: A Radical Approach yet, but my art project is due at five (with responses to my classmates). I think I'm doing well though; I have all the photos, and I have reflections for most of the materials. I was looking at the example presentation, too, and my reflections are a lot deeper than those in the example.

Then daily Japanese on Thursday and Friday, of course, and THEN my education zooms. Then Saturday will be more Kanji: A Radical Approach stuff, and on Sunday, I should have 10 hours of agency hours done, and... I have a test/survey, 2 nearpods, an exit ticket, and workshop notes. We also have 3 presentations, I believe, but we're going over all of them in the zoom...- (face palms) Our zoom is two days before the due date again.... I swear, the senselessness of those professors.... (huffs) Scratch that, I guess.... Since I'm supposed to look at the one Google Slides before I take the test..., I ought to read that on my own.

I will also have to make a tutoring appointment for Japanese this month as usual, and I have to plan out my schedule for next semester for the appointment with my advisor on the nineteenth.

I tried to do that today, though (because I wasn't feeling like doing any schoolwork), and the schedule for Fall 2021 isn't up yet :3 So I'm guessing it'll probably be up on the fifteenth, meaning that I'll have to make the plan within five days.... eegh.

But my Spring Break is in four weeks :3

... Yes, that means the end of March. Literally, it begins the last Saturday of March. (At least it's better than being during Thanksgiving.) Hahaha... My school's break timings suck--

(But apparently, lots of colleges don't have any breaks within a semester.... o-O I could not survive that. I can barely survive having a break a month before the end of the semester!)

Okay... so, probably, this week'll be crazy, and at least until next Wednesday, but... it could be worse. It could be a lot worse. ... Oh, right, my period's next week-- Wonderful :3 Wish me luck in staying awake-- (I can hardly stay awake as it is--)

Ahhh, and I really should get in the shower, but I really don't want to.... Why can't I just go to sleep...?  (-.-). o O  My eyes burn, too....

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