I HATE updates!!!!!

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Mar 31, 2023

Some of you guys may know that I have autism, so of course, I like consistency, but this goes beyond that.

My phone just frigging updated on its own. It was NOT on the charger! And now it won't work because it doesn't have a new SIM card yet!! I can't do ANYTHING on my phone!! Like wtf!!!

And this comes after the update to Google, too.

Google Drive and Google Docs look so frigging unprofessional now with barely any borders and most of those few borders being curved.

Way worse, whenever you click on one of the files, you have to click somewhere with nothing to click in order to get the Folder and the Folders it comes from available (y'know... so you can manuever your Folders easily rather than having to go all the way back to Drive and then go from there?) The thing is, if you're on half-screen or whatnot, and your Folder has enough files that it takes up the screen (iow, you have to scroll down to see the rest)..., there isn't a whole lot of space where you can click without clicking on something.

I just realized that the border on the left works, so you can click under the menu on the far bottom left, but... that's just stupid! I have to scroll to the left and click and then scroll back just to access my Folders?!!! Wouldn't it just have a label underneath the Folder names before?!! Why did it change that?!!

Why do these tech companies only make their sh*t worse with these ghoul darn updates?!!! Like, if you want to change your d*mn sh*t, give us the choice of sh*t we want and what we want to keep!! (throws the frigging table at them) This is why I hate updates, and I absolutely refuse to do them whenever I can.

Update on Apr 1, 2023

So my alarm went off while my phone wasn't letting me do anything, so I couldn't even frigging turn it off (luckily, my dad knows how to shut down these new phones, and that worked), but guess what happens when I finally get the SIM card in???

Its cellular data won't work. I can't send or receive messages, and the internet won't work unless I'm connected to a specific wi-fi. Apparently, despite the phone literally telling me in a pop-up that it would keep the same number and sh*t, my number is no longer connected to my phone.

(throws a table-sized bomb at Apple)

This is why I frigging hate tech companies.

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