Spring Break Soon to End

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I would much rather write smut--- But I only have 2 more days of break left ;w; And I've definitely been fooling around way more than I was supposed to.... I wanted to have my research for my Abnormal Psych final project and maybe even my outline finished, but... well, I guess that was a tall task, considering I wanted to use a couple of books. I should finish reading the empirical studies though, since I have to include 10, and I have, like... about 13. I'm also a little concerned about Japanese next week because I have an Oral Interview Wednesday, and then Thursday, I have FACT Notes and my final project script due.

And also, 3D Design sucks. As usual. I'm so itchy from the burlap-- 100% would never use again. (It seems like that's a recurring theme.... LOL- but not really because these materials are nightmares- And my professor doesn't help b/c he doesn't explain SH*T!)

... It occurs to me that I've only cut the burlap and not actually done any pasting yet, and I'm already sick of it. ... Seriously, I do not understand why the course seems to be like "what's the worst possible materials I can force you to use? OKAY!" like wtf--

... I should go to sleep now though-- It's frigging 3 in the morning.... OOPS-

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