Reproductive Rights and Roe vs Wade

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People keep on talking about "reproductive rights," "reproductive rights." I'm sorry, but WHAT THE F*CK.

Babies - even unborn - are not f*cking possessions!! Are you gonna hear someone say they have the right to kill the bad bacteria in their stomach? NO!! You know why? Because we don't like to think of maintaining our health as killing little organisms, no matter how harmful they are! Babies aren't related to reproductive rights!

Reproductive rights refer to the right to have sex the way you want it! It doesn't have to do with the consequences of that activity. People wouldn't say "I have the right to get an STD or not" or "I have the right to die because my partner and I were too rough." Of course they wouldn't say something like that!! It's "I have the right to be stupid and reckless because I frigging want to be"! "I have the right to try out different things to find out what I like!" With your actions, you are accepting the potential consequences !!

So reproductive rights don't have sh*t with abortion! Call it something else!! Abortion ain't a natural part of reproduction! The only situations in which I think it might be okay to get an abortion is if you were raped. That's what people often mention, right? Rape and incest! So what, I have the right to be raped and then remove a single consequence of that from my life? F*CK THAT. (For me personally, getting an abortion would most definitely only worsen the effects of the rape.)

But Roe vs Wade isn't even about reproductive rights in the first place because reproductive rights aren't in the Constitution. If the Congress wants to make a law about abortion, then the Supreme Court can say something about this topic, but until then, there's nothing they can do or say about abortion!

All right, sorry for this rant, but my stupid Honors College sent me a frigging email about an event about the leak of overturning Roe vs Wade, and I'm just sick of hearing "reproductive rights."

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