Hold on Account - Can't Add or Drop Class

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My Storytelling Professor posted the syllabus just yesterday. You know when the semester started? TUESDAY! LAST! TUESDAY!!

Since he appears to approach writing as "lying" (among other things), it would appear that he is not a good professor for literal, moral me. But you know when the last day to add a course is? FRIGGING MONDAY!! And I say "frigging Monday" because I HAVE A FRIGGING HOLD ON MY ACCOUNT! SO GUESS WHAT?? I CAN'T ADD OR DROP A CLASS!! (There's also only one spot left in the course I wanna switch to.)

So I am freaking out~~

And I've done about as much as I can currently do for my current courses, so I'm just kinda like " {:D (checks email) {:D (checks email again) {:D (checks email for the 50th time) HOW COME SHE HASN'T RESPONDED YET???!! MICHAEL-SENSEI RESPONDED, AND I EMAILED HER LITERALLY TWENTY-SOMETHING MINUTES AGO WHILE I EMAILED THIS WOMAN TWO HOURS AGO!" (Yes, I have become somewhat spoiled with Michael-sensei. She's always so quick to reply; it's crazy....)

Literally, I am wasting time. So I guess I'll go see if I can work on M?MLBS....

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