My CourseEval Ended on the 3rd Day of Fall Break, & I Suck at Sticking to Plans

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I am... just baffled. If they really wanted the best results, wouldn't you keep the course evals open at least a week after the semester ends? Second: if the courses all end at the same time, wouldn't their course evals be open for the same amount of time?

Three of my courses' evals are closing in a little less than two weeks. This week is Fall Break. For all four of my courses, we have three more weeks left in the semester (including Finals Week), if I remember correctly, and yet for one of my courses (Drawing, which I had plenty to say about), the course eval ended yesterday. For the other three courses, I have a pretty good idea of how the rest of the semester's going to go, but for Drawing, we have a paper due soon that I don't know much of anything about and a Final Exam. These would've undoubtedly affected what I put in the eval, so WHAT THE F*CK?!

I honestly... cannot frigging believe this. I missed my opportunity to evaluate my lame professor all because some idiot decided that the timing of the eval would be way off.

Update: They extended it until today, the Saturday before Finals Week. I'm not sure if that's because of a mistake or if someone complained, but... I was able to get my evals in. (Unfortunately, they only had 4 boxes of 500 characters, so I had to cull down my complaint essay for Drawing by a ton, but...)

Also, I'm barely hanging onto my schedule, and I've been sleeping half of the day away for two days straight. (Which, my period did just end, but... seriously?!!)

I am... one charcoal drawing and at least 8 pages behind. So that's basically a day behind, technically.... Well, a day's work, at least. (I decided to not read two of the readings for Languages and World Views because... one sucks and is really confusing, and both of them are unnecessary. I don't think I'll need to read them for my paper or my final exam.)

(cough) But that's not including Assignment 6-- (cough) I still have those 8 drawings that I technically really should do.... (cough, cough)

I did edit my Japanese script and misunderstanding paper though, so the script is almost finished, and for the misunderstanding paper..., I have to add some things from the readings. And neither of those things were really integrated into my schedule.

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