Why I Would Never Recommend UMSL: Gen Bio is not what they say

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Aug 22, 2022

This time on "UMSL sucks so bad I want to cry," we look at a General Biology course.

Background Information: There is actually a course called "Human Biology." It does not require you take General Biology before it (or at all).

So the course description is: This is a non-majors biology course designed for students who want to know more about themselves and the living things surrounding them. Major goals of this course include facilitating students' ability to (1) explain natural phenomenon based on conclusions from careful measurement, experimentation, and observation, (2) communicate intelligently with others about issues in the biological sciences, and (3) read and evaluate popular media outputs relating to biology. The course emphasizes the fundamental principles and processes of biology. Course topics include the scientific method, organization of living things, cell and molecular biology, genetics, evolution, human body systems, and ecology. Credit for BIOL1012 can be applied towards fulfillment of the general education requirement in science. Students interested in pursuing biology, other areas of science, or a professional medically oriented field as a career should enroll in BIOL1831 instead of BIOL1012 (there are a few exceptions, such as nursing, so please consult your advisor or the instructor if you are uncertain).

Pretty normal for Biology, right? Yeah, that's not what the courses are about.

Last year, I tried to take General Biology but found most of the topics to be centered around humans, yes? (You can find the details of that syllabus in the Chapter called "BIOLOGY IS ABOUT THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. NOT CULTURE, NOT JUST HUMAN BEINGS" or whatever.) That was with Charles Granger.

So I tried this year, with Ambrose Kidd. I shall now list the schedule's topics.

Unit 1 - Chapter 1: Can Science Cure the Common Cold?; Chapter 2: Science Fiction, Bad Science, and Pseudoscience; Chapter 3: Is it Possible to Supplement Your Way to Better Performance and Health; Chapter 4: Body Weight and Health; Chapter 5: Life in the Greenhouse

Unit 2 - Chapter 6: Cancer; Chapter 7: Fertility; Chapter 8: Does Testing Save Lives?; Chapter 9: Biology of Wrongful Convictions; Chapter 10: Genetically Modified Organisms

Unit 3 - Chapter 11: Where Did We Come From?; Chapter 12: An Evolving Enemy; Chapter 13: Understanding Race; Chapter 14: The Greatest Species on Earth?

Unit 4 - Chapter 15: Is the Human Population Too Large?; Chapter 16: Conserving Biodiversity; Chapter 17: The Human Footprint

Unit 5 - Chapter 18: Organ Donation; Chapter 19: Binge Drinking; Chapter 20: Clearing the Air; Chapter 21: Vaccination -- Protection and Prevention or Peril?

... Again, human-focused. No animal chapter that I can see, never mind a whole unit. One chapter on plants, but probably focused on plants we, as humans, cultivate. And it even has a f*cking chapter on the atmosphere. ... WHAT. THE. F*CK.

And you remember how hard I was struggling to find Honors courses to take?? Well, I was struggling to replace General Biology with a worthwhile course. I finally realized that I am now a senior, so I can take Independent Study (a required course at the Honors College). (sighs and shakes head)

Mar 30, 2023: And btw, I've checked this course for numerous semesters now, and there are only ever two professor options, both of which center the course around humans.

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