My Psychiatrist said he was Prescribing a "Sleep" Med

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You know, my psychiatrist would tell me when I'd stop taking the medicine he prescribed that "oh, it's not for that. It's for this," and I would feel kind of embarrassed that I didn't know what it was for.

But he's been encouraging me to take a medicine to fall asleep faster. I kept saying no, that my lack of sleep isn't about struggling to fall asleep but rather about not having the time to sleep. I literally calculate how much time I can sleep. But last time with my mother saying that yes, I was struggling to sleep (which was because of my WISDOM TEETH and not being ABLE TO TAKE MY MELOTONIN, which is a chewable), he was like "I'll prescribe it, and you can take it when you're struggling to sleep and don't need to take it any other days, so will you just try it?", so I was like "okay, fine."

But I just looked up what he prescribed to me (because I was wondering when you're supposed to take it), and it's a frigging medicine used for DEPRESSION. It may also help with "anxiety or insomnia RELATED TO DEPRESSION."

Like wtf. That's just misleading. I really feel lied to.

I HATE my current psychiatrist. I don't get the chance to speak, and even when I feel like I said everything I could, he doesn't listen to me. He also, apparently, prescribes me things completely unrelated to what I say I'm struggling with. Like wtf.. I tell you these things are not issues, so why aren't you focusing on what I'm telling you IS an issue???!!

I just really miss my old psychiatrist..

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