Questions About a Single Story

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Background Info: A single story refers to... basically a single story. And you don't hear any other viewpoints or about any other aspects. So all you know is that one story, and that's what the thing/person/etc. becomes in your mind, and your mind isn't open enough to realize that the thing/person/etc. can be more than that until you see/hear it for yourself.

Example: A single story of the fork may be to stab food. You may not realize that it can be used to cut food or stab people until you see someone else doing it. Because we're all too stupid to realize that there are multiple aspects to everything and everyone, apparently. (Excuse my sarcasm; I'm tired, and I get sarcastic when I'm tired.)

So, with that background...

My Professor: Choose at least two of the following questions to answer.

The Questions:

1. When was a time that you falsely judged someone, or a group, through the lens of a single story? How were you wrong in your judgments, and what made you realize this?

2. Have you ever been the victim of stereotypes? Describe the situation and how it made you feel. What was the stereotype or single story that was used to describe you? Why was it made, and why was it surprising to you?

3. How have the stories you've read shaped your understanding of the world and other people?

4. In the context of the video, how does prejudice emerge? How do single stories contribute to the construction of prejudice?

Oh, and, my official response must be at least two minutes of a verbal recording.

Questions 1 and 2: (exist as 1/2 of the questions)

Me: Okay, disregarding the fact that this can be applied to way more things than you're wanting me to apply it to (i.e. a random misunderstanding online), I am a loner, and I don't feed into the school society. Thus, I really don't even know much about stereotypes, and I don't experience much prejudice. Even if I was a "victim" of prejudice, chances are that I would legitimately not know because I am that oblivious, and I live under a rock. So I cannot answer you.

Also me (inwardly): And why are all of you professors so obsessed with culture and that kind of stuff? Simple misunderstandings occur all the time because of a "single story" (a.k.a. single perspective). This is increased online because heyyy, we can't identify the tone and stuff, yayyyy-- So frig culture; that's not the only thing that matters. We can focus on other things, too. I'm sick of talking about culture; I've been talking about culture for THREE SEMESTERS NOW! So please let me sleep. Because I am tired. And cannot think. Yayy~~

Question 3: (exists)

Me: ... (writes down a large list of books I've read, including manga and children's books) Do my own stories count?

Voice in my head: No.

Me: But I've read some of the-

Voice in my head: No.

Me: ... (can't think of sh*t) No. 6 fanart introduced me to male homosexuality, and we all know where that led me.... (looks at my millions of yaoi books and on-hold hetero books)

Also me: The stuff I read for Cultural Traditions made me realize how terrible people can be and how much some cultures SUCK.

The What on Earth is a...? Series taught me about some animals that I didn't know of.

Anime and manga interested me into Japan.

Me again: (lists stuff I've watched fully because screw my professor; stories can be watched/listened to, too!)

Alas: (can't think of sh*t still)

Frig this, Rune Factory and Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons (games) have influenced my world view; I'm putting it in my notes. (writes a paragraph about it)

... I probably need more. I have one good topic (that isn't actually applicable to the question because it's poorly worded/has an unnecessarily narrow focus). (continues to think futilely)

Question 4: Hi.

Me (has read the Ted Talk video transcript over a couple of days): Duhhh... what? Uhh,, single story??

Question 4: (continues smiling)

Me: Ummm... frig, idk-- I don't remember- This is an application; the speaker hardly mentioned the word prejudice. My brain cannot --- spit out this right now, do this right now.

Question: ... Wat. Didn't the speaker say plenty of synonyms of prejudice?


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