Drowning in HW and Barely Functioning

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I am so behind on sleep, but I have about... 30 pages to read, an hour to watch, and a quiz on those due tomorrow. I am also supposed to have a draft of my essay ready on Monday, which includes THREE versions of intros AND conclusions each, for Junior Comp and... I have to combine three traces into one trace, and I can't see, so I'm having to copy all of my traces onto one sheet of tracing paper, and then I'm going to copy what I want to include from that piece. Then I have to transfer it to bristol board. ... And decide what shades everything is going to be.

So... despite how much I want to write or sleep, I don't really have the time. Here's to hoping that Anime Nation doesn't have an excessive amount of homework for a single checkpoint next week.... Oh, but my oral interview is next week, so although I'll be depressed because of that, that's two days I don't really have to prepare anything for Japanese....

But seriously, I can't even type anything right, that's how tired I am.... I think the count is like 16 hours behind on sleep. (I stopped taking Prozac though, so I shouldn't have any more trouble sleeping. ... well, so much trouble that I can't function, that is. I have a bit of insomnia and wake up in the middle of the night, but I haven't been able to fall asleep or fall back asleep since I got on 40 mg....) (Oh, so literally, nothing I write is very coherent, so apologies for that. I was looking at my post at midnight, and I was just like "... This is sh*tty and undeveloped, but I just can't comprehend my own writing right now, and I'm already late," so I posted it anyway. I've been doing that a lot lately.... On every single quiz and DB.) But uhh... Fall Break is in two weeks, so I'm looking forward to that. (Unfortunately, I might end up using most of it to catch up on sleep instead of getting ahead on Anime Nation and free time....)

... And to be honest, I am so sick of watching Christopher Born Boring. (He's actually not the most boring professor I've ever watched, but he is VERY incompetent.) Luckily, I'm on a documentary part, but... the documentary keeps switching between Miyazaki's translations being captions and a speaker. The captions are really blurry, but the translator sometimes speaks over Miyazaki, so then I can't hear either one.

Honestly, I'm really disappointed. Michael-sensei is usually so organized and professional.... I can't believe she would have us watch these videos by someone who can't even speak English, never mind the butchering of Japanese pronunciation, and is SO unorganized. Like seriously, he has zero transitions, and I seriously don't think he actually even knows what he's talking about. He was talking about the henshin boom, and describing a five-character-group thing, but henshin means transformation, so he was talking about something completely different from what he said he was addressing. Then he said the Sailor Moon transformation was in CHIBI-STYLE. There've been other things that I just was like "dude, you are so bad at explaining things; how am I supposed to learn when you don't even know what you're talking about?", so I'm just sick of him. At least I only had/have one video from him to watch this week rather than two, but...

... I wonder who's worse at explaining things, Born Boring or my 2D Design professor.... I'd have to say my 2D Design professor. He knows what he's doing; he just struggles with instructing others because there's a disconnect. Born is just... incompetent. He literally doesn't know what he's talking about, so that's why he's bad at explaining.

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