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But I have four projects due next week c=: I also have a 25-page article to read this week... among other things, like an hour-long video of my boring professor. I think I'm doing better than I thought I would though. I have 2 slides and 2 stroke orders left in the VT due Wednesday; I read the instructions for my ECE:CA presentation, created 2 ECE:CA slides, and wrote down all the notes I need for my BaPE presentation(, but I will have to return to my notes in order to do the self-reflection section, but I have the stuff I want to use written down, so I won't have to search around or anything).

... But I still haven't started on my KARA script--

(... But I still wanna write smut ;_; I'm in the mood for bottom!Kacchan, too.... I was thinking that I might have some of that as Kacchan's part of the deal for seeing Todoroki, so if I actually had the time, I'd be able to work on VatNH for the first time in fifty million months [not really; I think I actually did work on it rather recently {... well, recently for me, that is-}], but...)

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