I Don't Like Flashcards, & I Hate Being Forced to Make Them, Never Mind Use Them

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I am sick of Anki, and I've only been doing it for like three days. You know, I was so... I was feeling great because I finished this week's Module for Kanji: A Radical Approach on like, Wednesday or something when it's due on Saturday. But Anki just takes so much time because I...I don't rank extremes, so I rarely rank anything as easy, and for a lot of these characters, they're really complicated, and they're so frigging tiny, and there are so frigging many of them, and they all share components--

I mean, why the frig are we even having to remember so many of them? What the frig, our quizzes should be on the radicals! That's what the course is supposed to be over! Why are we required to learn over 3 example kanji for every radical?! (And we learn 12 radicals each week!)

And then the frigging stroke orders-- Every. Single. Week. There are 12 characters we're supposed to draw DIGITALLY!!! Like, stroke orders are hard enough, but you're gonna make us do them digitally?!!! Wtf?!!!

I'm just so stressed out, and my eyes burn, and I'm tired, and just... (takes a deep breath and sobs)

I don't understand why we should do Anki every single frigging day.... Frig that... Why should I? Frig that, I'm doing my own practice!! I'll just draw all of the kanji every week and then draw the kanji of the week every day; that'll definitely take less time than frigging Anki. (Although, I will have to make Anki cards anyway because my professor requires us to share our decks with her....)

Anki's not worth it. It's so much of a pain and inconvenience to make those cards, and they suck anyway. I hate flashcards. I prefer good ol' testing yourself!

I mean, there's a reason I quit Facebook, and that's because it stressed me the frig out. I also am terrible at keeping up with Discord. Why? Again, because it stresses me the frig out. I'm trying to get my Notifications on here down, too.... There are just so many each day, and it's super stressful to me.... Anki is the same way; I was supposed to do 66 flashcards today. How many did I do? I think, like, three. And I have to go to the bathroom and take a shower, so. I'm officially quitting that sh*t. (takes a deep breath in and sighs it out) I like Michael-sensei, but frig, she expects way too much from us.... The Honors course wasn't too bad, I guess, especially considering it was an Honors course, but this isn't an Honors course....

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