I'm Clearly Obsessive (Yes, I'm doing estimations again)

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That slide was actually not my longest. But now I only have-- 4 slides left! Yay!

So, that would mean... 20 x 4 = 80 minutes. A little over 1 hour.

I also finally chose what I'm going to do for my research paper, so that's good.

All right, let's see how much time I have left now. I have dinner and bathroom left to do today..., right? So we'll just say, uh... 7-10, that's 3 hours. It's Saturday, so... 3+9+7=19 hours by the end of Monday. Tuesday will be 5, and Wednesday will be... 3 hours until my EA FP is due, and 5 until my KARA FP is due. So that would be... 27 until the EA FP and... 32 until the KARA FP. Total.

However... I do have Japanese to do. I've decided to do-- oh, that's what I can do instead of obsessing about time math. I have to make a little wing watch for Deku.... ... I don't have scissors here; I'd have to get up. Okay, a little more obsession then.

I'll cull my estimations down for Japanese this time. Let's see... I roughly estimated that recording would take 10 hours, geez. That would mean two hours per minute! ... Let's do per page instead. I have 4 pages, but one of those is not even half of a page. So... that less-than-a-half-page would be... I shouldn't have too much trouble that I'm rerecording tons of times. So we'll say... umm... 10 minutes tops. Page 1 then. Umm... all of the pages besides that last one aren't exactly easy, so how much time would each take...? Hrmmn... well, I'd assume it'd take less than an hour for each. So let's just say... should I say 3 or 4...? ... We'll keep it 3 or 4.

Then... editing...

Oh, wow, I was right; I have 5 signs. Oh, I rounded that up, so let's make the recording 3. Yeah, that works. Okay, so... let's see how it goes if I keep the numbers for editing. 3+1+2+2+1+3+2=3+3+3+3+2=14 hours total for Jap. Thus... that'd be 13 until EA FP and 18 until KARA FP. A'ighty. I said KARA FP would take me a little over an hour, so that would leave a little less than 12 for my EA FP, assuming that I finish my KARA FP before the EA FP is due.

And again, I said I could do Anki on Sunday before my vaccine, but nothing else. And Thursday and Friday, I'll have 11 hours, I said. Saturday, again, should be 9.

Then again, after Wednesday until Sunday, I have the EA research paper, EA DB, peer evals for KARA, and 4 course evals.

I said the research paper would take... 8 hours tops, but that was including research.... I said 5 hours for research, so... let's see, I have time period and location already, but I have no idea what school or movement he works in.... Other than that..... yeah, no more research necessary. So... that'll take me 2 hours tops, honestly. I also said the Works Cited would take me an hour, but so far, I've only needed one source. For the school or movement..., I'll probably only need another source, so... that should take me... 30 minutes tops, right? Umm... An hour and a half for research... yeah, so we'll say it'll actually take me -- 2 hours to write, 2 hours to do research and works cited, so that's 4 hours total.

So that is... 7 hours before the end of Friday... Let's say... it takes me 2 hours for the DB, that's 5 hours to do the peer and course evals.... Each peer eval should take me less than 2 hours(, so again, since I have 10 peers, that'd be 20 hours). A course eval should take me... we'll say an hour per eval. Again, that is not enough time....

I should not make my EA project as big as I can get it, huh.... Hrmmn... yeah, yappari, I should re-evaluate after finishing my Japanese project.

... My head hurts now. ... Actually, it's been hurting. Like, the whole day. Last night, too... agh, I wanna sleep.

All right, I better check if the dogs made any messes in the foyer while I was napping and make that little wing watch for my video.

Past Calculations and Notes (so that I don't have to go back again):

EA project: choose all of my characters, arrange them, then take a photo, arrange them again, and then take another photo.... Taking the photos shouldn't take more than 10 minutes. I am wanting them as big as I can make them, so... let's see... we'll say I have about 100 figures, 100 plants and animals, 100 PlayMobil people. 300 things to arrange... 3 hours? Let's see... that would mean... hrmmn, that's not an easy time to work with.... 180 would be 3 hours. So, uh... oh right, it'd be times 2, so... 6 hours, 360 minutes. ... That doesn't help me; I'm trying to figure out how much time it'd be for one character....

Well, we'll go the opposite way then. 1 minute per character would be 300 minutes, but I'm bound to have to redo some because they fall, which'll take... about 30 minutes, we'll say. That's 5 hours and 30 minutes. Then we double it for... 11 hours. Then choosing, we'll say... 3 hours. Finishing the presentation... let's give it another 3....

Japanese video: delete mess-ups, shorten the videos, upload the videos, put them in the right spot potentially, switch the transition thingies, and then upload the whole video, but also make the signs, upload those, and edit those in the thingy.

So, we'll say uploading takes... an hour, assuming I do it on my phone instead of the iPad. That gives me room for technical errors or what have you. The 5 signs... will take... an hour and a half? Let's make that 2 hours then. Deleting mess-ups, we'll say, will take 2 hours. Shorten videos, 1 hour. Uploading the clips... 3 hours just in case. That's include putting them in the right spot. Switch the transition things, we'll say will take 2 hours just in case.

What's left to do: Anki for 2 VTs, the 6 pages that were due 2 weeks ago, typical Japanese, KARA FP, EA FP, EA research paper, Japanese script and video, evaluate my peers' VTs for KARA, 4 course evals, COVID vaccine, and my finals for Japanese and KARA.

By due date, excluding daily Japanese, that is:

Week 16

-Wednesday: KARA and EA FPs

-Friday: EA research paper and Japanese script and video

-Saturday: Peer evals for KARA

Finals Week

-KARA final (and those 6 pg and studying before that)

-Sunday: 4 course evals, COVID vaccine, Anki for 2 VTs

-Wednesday: Japanese final

Try to motivate yourself and get what you can done and remember that peer feedback and course evals aren't as important, so it's okay if you don't finish them on time! We can also always take notes on peers' presentations later, so that'd take less time as well!

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