Japanese Keyboard Suggestions (Please Help)

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Jan 30, 2023

It drives me f*cking nuts. Why the F*CK won't the keyboard go with the suggestions that match your text EXACTLY before it goes into more complicated sh*t?

Example: If you're wanting to type 同人, you have to go with a frigging compound (like 同人活動) and then erase the unwanted kanji. In FORTY-FOUR SUGGESTIONS, NOT ONE is just 同人! If I want a frigging compound starting with doujin, I WILL FRIGGING TYPE THE WHOLE COMPOUND, D*MN IT! And then frigging 同人誌? Forget about it; you have to copy and paste. I EVEN ADDED IT TO MY USER DICTIONARY, AND IT STILL WON'T SHOW UP!!! (throws the f*cking table on my f*cking Chromebook)

Oh, it shows up when I add "ga" to the sequence. But still, this is f*cking ridiculous.

Mar 1, 2023: the other Japanese keyboard stuff that drives me nuts that I couldn't recall on Jan 30th-

Or like, it'll show up some long phrase that I've used -- or add one phrase I've used to another in order to make a 100% grammatically incorrect phrase---

I can't think of a current example for the latter, but an example of a long phrase that shows up: When I write かいて for 書いて, 「書いていないですけど、」automatically shows up. That one makes sense because I have written that at least once (although I just learned the difference between that, 書いてある, and 書かれている b/c I just now searched it up after wondering forever), but EVEN IF I AM USING THAT PHRASE, I'M ALWAYS STOPPING AFTER て AND PICKING THE 書いて OPTION, NOT THE WHOLE GHOUL DARN CLAUSE!!! YOU'D THINK IT'D HAVE LEARNED BY NOW!!!

And then another thing that drives me nuts is when I keep typing the same thing and choosing the same kanji... and then it suddenly decides to put that kanji lower than it was before. Like wtf??? (hands on head in utter confusion)

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