The Digital Formats of my Education Professors

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I am so. frigging. sick. of my stupid idiot professors. Like,, it just baffles me.

There have already been 3 CANVAS links that we didn't have access to until the professors were notified. Like, why the frig do we not have access? This is why you check your links before posting sh*t!!


Everything is through a "hyperdoc" or whatever, and it's just super overwhelming. Like, there are links within links of the hyperdoc which is in a Module. ... like wtf. I hate hyperdocs; you have to hover around until you find a link, and you can't highlight anything, which means you can't copy anything, and I like to copy my instructions down. This isn't an issue when it's short, but when it's three paragraphs? Like frig, why can't I just copy and paste?

And the hits just keep coming!!

For this Module, we have a VoiceThread we're supposed to comment on, but guess what? IT EITHER DOESN'T EXIST, OR WE DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO IT, AND IT'S NOT LINKED WHERE IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE!

But they also have a PowerPoint with audio we're supposed to listen to. You know what's f*cked up with that? Because I use a Chromebook, I can't access that audio :3 (I have no frigging clue why the f they add PowerPoint in when they can do VT, which anyone can access.)

And their VTs suck because they put the entire presentation in one comment like wtf, I don't even know how to do that, but WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!!! Like, seriously!!! You have all of the slides in the VT; why the F*CK can't you comment on each slide like a normal person?!!!! This is not only way better for the viewer, buT IT'S ALSO EASIER, MORE EFFICIENT, AND PROFESSIONALLY BETTER FOR YOU-- LIKE WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU PIECES OF SH*T; WHERE IS YOUR COMMON SENSE?!!!!

Oh, yeah, and apparently, Nearpod has a capacity of people, so they create 4 Nearpods that are exactly the same and then post all four links in a multiple-choice-looking format. ... Like wtf, why can't you create a Canvas quiz, a Google Form, or anything else that actually lets you have all of your students in one link ratheR THAN FOUR-- (b/c their Nearpod only has open-ended questions and then one of those things where everyone adds a post to a thing, but like,, there's actually a website specifically for that kind of sh*t, and you can also do that in Canvas through Discussion Boards; we'll see what this next one is like though)

They could've also assigned us a letter like A through whatever gets A, blah blah B, blah blah C, blah through Z go to D. Otherwise, the student's like auhhhh what letter am I supposed to click-- Because the next scheduled meeting is two days before the Module's due :3 So why the frig would they wait for your dumb*ss explanation? (Having a meeting right before the Module's due is utterly stupid if you ask me; I had multiple questions that I wanted answered at the start of the Module, and waiting until the end of the week would've been long enough to wait. I know I could've asked over email, but like... I've already emailed my professors multiple times :3 because they suck :)))) So I had to tell them that their links weren't working or what have you. So yah.)

(takes a deep breath in and sighs it out) Okay... back to work, I guess.... I was just so baffled that I had to rant. (sighs again, defeated) I'm tired, and my eyes burn.... I have 15 pages I was supposed to read last week, and the work is just never ending.... Of course I have daily Japanese, and for the Kanji course this Wednesday, I have a VoiceThread to watch with questions and an online stroke order thing, as well as a Nearpod to watch.

Then who knows what's due Friday for Expanded Artforms because my stupid professor won't post until Monday. Then Saturday I have to make a flashcard deck on Anki (which will apparently take a lot of time to get it set up), another VT with stroke order and questions, and a quiz. For Sunday, I have a Ted Talk to watch, a nonexistent VT to comment on, a survey thingy to take and submit, the PowerPoint (which, by the way, they called a video and put a YouTube icon, like wtf?? That's misleading; why can't you put a generic play sign if you're wanting to express that it'll be something to watch?), the Nearpod, an exit ticket, and of course, notes to take on all of that sh*t. :)

I am also supposed to finish 10 hours of tutoring in by the 28th (2 weeks from now). Guess how much I have done? 30 minutes. Guess how much I'm scheduled for? 30 minutes each week. (face palms) I'm doomed. I absolutely need 20 hours by Mach 28th, which is 6 weeks from now, which means that I would need to tutor for at least 3 hours each week, which means I'd have to have 6 students! (deflates abruptly) I should've gone with the Learning Logs option.... Apparently, most people that chose the community agency option haven't even started yet.... This is absurd.

Aghhh... (sobs) I hate college....

Update: They added a link to the VT. However, guess what? It's another "Access Denied" Canvas pages :)

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