My Drawing Professor (face palms)

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My lame drawing professor literally posted this week's and last week's modules on WEDNESDAY! There are a couple of drawings due biweekly, on FRIDAY. The last time he posted the module on WEDNESDAY, he gave us until SUNDAY to finish! Not this time!!

And guess what?!!! This week? He has over thirty minutes for us to watch, and he's so booooring!!! (Literally, I don't think I've even seen him smile. I know it's an online course and everything, but he gives us a lot of pointless videos to watch of himself, and I've never seen him smile.) His videos are so hard to get through, and he wastes all of our time!!! It's not worth even frigging clicking on the crud most of the time! There's literally hardly any useful information in most of the videos! To waste even more time, he hesitates a million times; he repeats himself fifty; WHAT



Like ghoul darn it, dude; I can frigging read your f-ing assignment!!! I can look at the items you chose!!! I don't need a 30 min video saying the exact same sh*t I just read and a two minute video where you literally just f*cking state what you f*cking chose for your f*cking example when the same exact f*cking picture is on the frigging assignment!

Also, he can't even count.

So yes. My professor has the most monotone voice, hesitates, repeats himself, continuously wastes my time, and cannot even frigging count.

Oh, and, he doesn't give us ample time to finish crud and posts things late. (Like, I have two teachers for parents, so I get when you don't get things posted in time, but at least frigging address it!!!)

Plus, everything's frigging due at 5 pm on Friday! I hate that!! It's so random!! That's when everyone's heading home!!! Either have it due before class or by 11:59 pm; don't frigging go with some half-a**ed deadline!!! (Personally, I prefer Sunday because weekends are the prime time to work on projects, but at the very frigging least, don't frigging make crud due during rush hour. What the frig is wrong with you.)

(sighs heavily) I simply do not understand stupid, half-butt-ed people.

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